This is Only the Beginning...

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Chapter 1. Part 2. Artemis's POV.

My brother, Suez, Rhea, and I all got up the bus and walked to the playgrounds. Usually, this is where all the students line up to go to class. Rhea, Suez, Apollo, and I all went to the same class, so we all walked to our class's line, when all of a sudden...The ground starts shaking. "W-what's happening?!" I frantically asked as the ground around me and my friends shook harder and harder. The floor split, leaving a crack big enough for an elephant to go through. Then, a giant man came crawling through the crack. The minute the man was fully through, I saw that Suez, Rhea, and my brother Apollo had already fainted. Next was my turn to crumble to the ground. It went black. The last thing I heard was the sound of the police and fire department arriving to the scene.

Chapter 1. Part 3. Apollo's POV.

I woke up to the sound of a heart monitor. "Guys! Wake up!" I said, waking the others. "Are we dead?" Rhea innocently said. Adorable. I've been having this little crush on Rhea ever since the start of 3rd grade. "Nope," my twin sister Artemis said. "We're in a hospital." I saw that Suez's eyes were still closed. Then I looked closely. She WASN'T breathing!! "NURSE!" I shouted, then a nurse rushed over. "SHE, sniff, ISN'T BREATHING!" Rhea frantically said pointing to Suez and crying. Then the nurse took out a walkie-talkie and said into it, "Code blue, patient in room 9 not breathing, CODE BLUE!" We all still had our normal clothes on, and we took off the needles. Then Artemis, Rhea, and I got up and out of the hospital beds. The nurse was fast, and other doctors and nurses followed, so we were left behind in the room. All of a sudden, this guy with a winged hat, winged sandals, a wand, and a tunic flew in through an open window. "WHAT THE HECK IN OLYMPUS IS GOING ON?!?!" Artemis exclaimed with eyes wide open.

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