Chappie 3 END

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Ookay it's been a LONG time since I've posted. Anyway, meh reputation's back and boomin'!!

Chapter 3, Part 3. Suez's POV.

Me and Rhea started packing. "Blouses, check! Pants, skirts, shorts, and jeans, check! Daisy Dukes, check! Socks and underwear..Um, check?" I said packing my clothes. Awkward...Well, at least this trip goes to Greece! "Why do you need Daisy Dukes?" Rhea said questioningly. "And why would you need skirts?" I replied, "Rhea, it's SUMMER! DUH!" "Oh. Oops." I took out my iPhone and started texting Artemis.


Suez: Hey Arty, ya done packing yet 4 the trip?

Arty: Yeah. Apollo aint done yet. BTW is Rhea finished? Apollo wants to talk to ur sis

Suez: Yeah. I'll tell her she'll be right over

Arty: Ok

I told Rhea what Artie said. "Ok! I'll ask mom if I can go." Rhea replied. I've read my share of Greek Mythology, so Rhea's asking our mortal mother. Her name's Hera, for some reason..Our real mother's name is Hera too. I just remembered something important: RHEA'S STILL IN HER PRE-TEEN FORM!! CRAP!! I ran after her but it was too late. I darted behind a wall.

A/N Sorry it's short. DON'T KILL ME!

Thanks guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2014 ⏰

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