Chapter 1: The First Post

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Things have changed for good after Ben's coronation. For the first time in my life I feel alive. Back on the island I always thought that being evil and mean and ruthless and cruel was the only way to have a good time. After being in Auradon for quite some time now, I realize how what I thought felt like home was actually an empty hole in the pit of my stomach. Now the hole has been filled, and nothing feels more like home than right here in Ben's arms.

Ben. I am currently lying facedown on his bare perfectly toned chest with my hair tossed in all different directions. He's awake. I know he's staring at me while I sleep, but he doesn't know I am also awake. I think about moving or talking, but I restrain myself for a few more minutes of this. I love these small moments. I love Ben. I love. Never thought I would say that or even admit it to myself, but I do.

"Mal?" I hear Ben whisper. I ignore him and continue pretending to be asleep. His strokes my hair softly and I can't help but smile. "Mal" he says a little louder and I decide to finally "wake up". I push myself up and find Ben's green eyes, tousled brown hair and perfect smile as my good morning. Wouldn't have it any other way. (Except maybe with the curtains shut)

"Hey" I say, my voice raspy from sleep. He leans in for a kiss and I follow along without hesitating. He tries to pull away but there's no way in hell that I'm letting that happen. My hand move instantly to the back of his head, my fingers interlacing with his hair as I pull him forcing our lips to meet once again. He doesn't complain, but he isn't as eager as before. It's my job to change that. I straddle him in one swift move and move my lips from his lips to his neck. His hands are now on my lower back gently pulling me closer. I suck and nibble the tender skin on his neck most likely leaving a few marks along the way. I stop for a moment and just stare at him. How did Mal, the child of the worst villain of them all, end up here?

I go in for his lips again, but he just gives me a quick peck before getting up from the bed. He walks to the closet and pulls out a hanger with a complete outfit already planned out for him. I move so I'm kneeling at the edge of his bed. When he turns back towards me I give him the most irresistible pouty face.

"Oh no you don't" he objects, "I have breakfast with my father and you need to get back to you room before we get caught". I keep looking up at him with puppy eyes waiting for him to give in, but when he doesn't I have to turn to plan B.

"Please!" I beg as he puts on his button up shirt. He looks at me and laughs before grabbing my lower back and pulling me up to a tall kneeling position. "We barely see each other anymore"

"Come on" he laughs, "How much time have you spent in your room the past couple of weeks?" He sasses as I finish buttoning his shirt. He seems amused until he sees the sad expression on my face. "I promise I'll make it up to you Mal, but right now you need to get going before people see you" he hands me my clothes and gives me one last kiss.

"Fine" I give in, "but I want that thing about making it up to me on writing". I finish getting dressed and head for the window. "I love you" Ben chimes from the other side of the room. "I love you too" I smile before making my way down the stone wall.

It's about 6:15ish in the morning and there is nobody awake yet. I wouldn't usually wake up until 7, but if I want to stay at Ben's it's the price I have to pay. The campus is empty at this hour so no one sees me leaving Ben's in yesterday's clothes. It takes me about 5 minutes to walk all the way to the girl's dorms. Once I get there the only light on at this godforsaken hour is obviously the one with the girl who has a 2 hour morning beauty ritual. I climb up to our window and thankfully Evie left it open. I could just walk into the building but I know someone might see me on their way to the bathroom or something.

"I can't believe you spent the night again" Evie says flatly as I climb through the window. "If you two get caught you are both screwed, and if anyone saw you walking around campus at this hour with your hair looking like that I think your little secret wouldn't be such a secret anymore ". She sits at the vanity applying her making with precision like she does every single morning. I am so glad to have Evie in my life, but when she gives me the same "Be careful or you'll get caught" speech almost every morning I feel like she's my mother. (Well, not my actual mother).

"Don't be so dramatic" I state my case,"I've only stayed over twice this week". I can feel her roll her eyes as I walk to the bathroom.

"Yes Mal, and it's only Tuesday" I hate it when she's right.

I choose to ignore her and quickly jump into the shower. When I get out it's almost 6:45 and Evie is almost done with her beauty ritual. Her last step is picking the perfect outfit. Once she is done she usually has little spare time to go online and check the latest gossip and fashion trends. I dry my hair not really caring how it turns out and throw on the first thing I find, which turn out to be plain black pants and a black and purple jacket.

"Hey Mal!" Evie calls from the computer with a hint of worry in her voice. "You should see this!"

"You know I'm not really into gossip, E" I bawl from my bed as I put on my boots.

"Oh, I think your going to find this particular piece pretty interesting" I roll my eyes and unwillingly go see what is it she finds so interesting.

"What is it this time?" I ask and my jaw drops once I read the headline.


Evie scrolls down and I see the various photos of me climbing down Ben's window, my messy hair and even a couple of photos of us kissing half naked taken through the window. For a few moments I'm speechless.

"Pits not like anyone reads this stupid gossip blog anyways, right?" I ask trying to hide the fear in my voice, but when she doesn't respond I snap. "Right!?" I half yell at Evie even though it isn't her fault.

"It's on Auradon Uncovered" she gulps not wanting to continue. "Everyone reads Auradon Uncovered"

"Crap!" I hiss covering my face with my hands.

Evie grabs her backpack and walks to the door. "Are you coming to breakfast?" She asks before opening the door. I shake my head and sit down on the computer to read the article, which I would probably regret later. "I'll see you in history then" she walks out of the room leaving me and the computer alone.

We are definitely screwed.

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