Chapter 12: The Comfort

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"Ben" I breath out and wrap my arms around him ignoring the pain in my left wrist. His hands slide onto my back. At first he's distant, but when he gets over the initial shock he leans into the hug. "It was her" my voice cracks, "she was the one who made Audrey post the pictures. She got into their heads. It was her."

"Shhh Mal" he strokes my hair, "it's okay. You're okay". He pushes out of hug and places both of his hands on my face. I can't help myself as my eyes water, and he pulls me back into the hug. He just holds me for a while until Fairy Godmother clears her throat.

"I did it" I smile as I let go of Ben, "I balanced my powers".

"If you don't mind me asking" she steps forwards, "what happened in there?"

"It was my mother" I explain, "she was getting into people's heads and forcing them to do stuff for her. She used to do it to me when I was little and I didn't do what she wanted me to do. It's unavoidable. Once she's in your head there's nothing you can do, and after she leaves you don't remember. I beat her. She's gone".

"Who was she controlling?" She asks.

"Audrey, Lonnie, Chad, Doug..." I close my eyes before I say, "and Jane". "

She flinches slightly, but she remains composed and professional. "I'm glad you're okay" she gives me a warm smiles. "I have to go deal with all this". She walks out of the room and Evie, Carlos and Jay run in. They stop for a second when the see I'm awake, but then they all take me into a big hug.

"Ow ow" I complain as the crowd me, "my knee. Ow"

"Sorry" they say in unison and step away.

The nurse starts checking me again, but I can take my eyes off Ben's. His eyes are surrounded by dark circles, and he looks like he hasn't slept in weeks. I did that to him. I can't believe I did that to him.

"I'm okay" he knows what I'm thinking, "as long as you're here, I'm okay".

I smile but it instantly goes away when the nurse grabs my wrist. "Ow!"

"It might be broken" she examines it a little further. "And I'm pretty sure your knee is sprained. A trauma doctor will come take a look at those, but right now I need to stitch your forehead.

I frown confused. What happened to my forehead. Evie hands me a small compact and I can't believe what I see. I look like a mess. There's a large cut in in my forehead and a smaller one in my chin. My lip is fat, and there's some bruising along my jaw line and cheek bone. A large scrape covers the right side of my face. "What the hell happened to my face?" I laugh breaking the tensions.

"We were about to ask the same thing" Carlos laughs and I can't help but smile. It feels like home even though I'm in an infirmary room. Just being surrounded by the people I love brightens my mood.

After the nurse finishes the stitches and cleaning the rest of the wounds she gives me some painkillers, I start feeling drowsy.

"I'll be here when you wake up" Ben says as my eyes start to close.

"We'll all be here" Evie reassures me and I fade into a deep sleep.

The discomfort in my knee wakes me up. Ben's sitting right besides me just like he was when I fell asleep, but Evie is sitting on the couch with Carlos besides her and Dude on his lap.

"Hey" I try pushing myself up, but my broken wrist is in a temporary splint so I can't.

"Here, let me" he helps me sit up adjusting my pillow as well.

"Thanks" I smile. He is so kind.

"The coffee has arrived" Jay knocks on the door before coming in.

Everyone cheers as he places the tray of coffee on the bedside table. I reach for a cup, but before I can take a sip Ben snatches it out of my hand.

"Uh" I whine as he takes a sip, "Ben..."

"You are on painkillers and antibiotics" he says with a stern voice, "that means no coffee for you".

"No fair" I pout and make a pathetic attempt at crossing my arms with the splint which makes them all laugh. I groan from a sharp pain in my knee.

"What's bothering you?" Evie asks

"My knee" I take a deep breath.

"The nurse said the trauma doctor should be here at 9:00 am" Ben informs me.

"What time is it?" I wonder

"It's about 8:30" Ben says as he checks his phone.

"I slept the whole night?" I thought I'd only been asleep for a couple of hours.

"Yeah you were pretty out of it" Carlos smirks.

"Then how come you're all dressed the same?" I say as Ben places a pillow under my injured knee.

"We've been here all night" he explains, "we're gonna go shower and change when the doctor comes".

I close my eyes and throw my head back for a few minutes. I wrist is placed tightly against my chest, and it's beginning to bother me again.

"Mal" Ben places a hand on my thigh and I open my eyes to see Fairy Godmother standing by the door.

"Hello Mal" she gives me a warm smile, "I'd like you to meet Doctor Jaysen. He'll be looking at your knee and your wrist. Children..." She signals the. Towards the door and the head out.

"I'll be back in a few" he gives me a peck on the lips and follows the others out the door.

After confirming a sprained knee and a broken wrist, Dr. Jaysen leaves. I have to wear a knee brace and a large black wrist splint for 6 weeks and crutches for 4 weeks. Plus I'm going to need physical therapy.

"How was the doctor?" Ben smirks from the door.

"Good" I smile. "He gave me these" I grab the crutches and lift the up so he can see them.

"That sucks" he walks in and sits besides me.

"Yeah" I scrunch my nose, "but as long as I'm with you this summer I'm alright". He leans in to kis me, but we're interrupted.

"I'm afraid I have some bad knees Mal" it's Fairy Godmother again, "you'll have to spend the first half of your summer in summer school".

"What!" I can't believe this is happening.

"You've missed a lot of classes" she explains, "if you want to graduate with the rest of your class you need to finish this year in summer school".

I look at Ben disappointed, but his smile makes me feel better.

"It's fine Mal" he grabs my healthy hand, "The summer palace will be waiting for you when your done, and so will I".

"I guess it won't be that bad" I shrug, "Carlos and Jane will be here too". Carlos had taken a job in the dog shelter outside of the school, so he will be staying in school all summer. Jay is going to a tourney camp, and Evie is spending the first part of summer with Doug and his family.

"I'll leave you two alone now" she leaves an I roll my eyes annoyed at her news.

"Come on" he stands up and grabs my crutches, "we're getting out of this room".

"And where are we going exactly?" I ask as I stand on my good leg.

"We are getting you used to using these crutches" he helps me put on my shoes and wraps his letterman jacket around me. Then we just walk, or crutch in my case, through campus and just talk. Just like before this whole mess started.

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