Chapter 5: The Second Post

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I am worried. No, I've been worried since lunch and it's now dinner. I am way past worried. I haven't heard from Mal since she walked out of the cafeteria. Ben went to find her earlier, but I haven't heard from him from him either. I pick at my food with my fork as I doze off into my thoughts.

"Evie?" I hear Doug say from the other side of the table.

"What?" I ask finally taking a bite of my food

"I have been talking to you for like 10 minutes" he fixes his bow tie as he speaks, "haven't you been listening?"

"Of course I've been listening" I lie and he gives me a disapproving look. "Fine" I sigh, I'm sorry. I'm just really worried about Mal". I start picking at my food again.

"Well the school does have a zero tolerance policy for girls in the boys dorms after curfew, and the other way around"

"Wait, what?!" I say surprised. "You don't think they'll send her back to the Isle?"

"I really doubt they would" he shrugs still fidgeting to fix his bow tie, "but if they got caught, it's not going to be pretty". I drop my fork as I loose my appetite completely. What has Mal gotten herself into. "If your really that worried maybe you should go talk to Jay and Carlos"

I walk over to Doug and help him fix his bow tie. "You're right" I say and give him a kiss on the cheek, "thank you".

Just as I am about to exit the room, Jay bumps into me.

"Hey I was just going to look for you" I say thinking about the coincidence.

"Evie I know I'm good looking but you can't do this to poor Doug" he jokes crossing his arms

"Ha ha very funny" I slap him on the arm, "have you seen Mal after what happened at lunch?"

"No" he shrugs, "I had tourney practice most of the afternoon".

"Hey guys what's going on?" Carlos joins us with Dude on his arm.

"Have you seen Mal?" I ask Carlos

"Yeah" he says, "Ben and Mal were in the boys dorm like and hour or so ago. I don't know why they were both wet but I do know they God called into Fairy Godmother's office"

"I'm going to go see if she's ok" I walk past the boys and Carlos follows me.

"You know even if she says she's fine she's not right?" Sometime he's the most caring boy ever.

"I know" I sigh, "but it's Mal. We have to give her her space or she'll..." I stop for a second. Carlos walks past me until he realizes I have stopped. "Well who knows what she'll do". We continue walking to my room.

The shower in on, so Mal must be taking a shower. It told Carlos to back to the cafeteria once we learned Mal was here. He was hesitant at first, but then he said it was better if we were alone. Mal steps out of the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around her. She staring at the ground before she notices me and jump started.

"Hey" she says walking over to the closet and grabbing some clothes.

"So" I speak with caution, "how'd it go?"

"Well I'm suspended from all school activities until further notice, and from now on my teacher is the one and only Fairy Godmother" she laughs sarcastically as she gets dressed in the bathroom. "Plus I have to take extra classes to control my magic and that's-"

"Your magic?" I interrupt, "what's wrong with your magic?"

"Something crazy happened at the enchanted lake, E"

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