Chapter 11: The Release

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"Oh darling" she clicks her tongue in disapproval, "Good does not look good on you".

"What do you want mother?" I cross my arms and roll my eyes.

"I want my nasty little girl back" she walks around the green orb and I do the same keeping her in front of me at all times. "You need to snap out of this little stage and go back to who you really are. Truly Evil".

"You have no idea who I am" I spit back, "you never cared about me".

"On the contrary" she argues, "you were my whole world Mal. I always had your best interest".

"Oh, really?" I question, "Did you know I'm allergic to bees? Did you know that when I was 7 I broke my right arm while jumping from one roof to another? Did you know I'm actually happy for the first time in my life? Mom you don't know me, and you don't know what I want"

"You need to see the bigger picture" she raises her voice for emphasis. Always so dramatic. "How can you pick backstabbing friends over ruling the world".

"Well-" I begin but it all suddenly connects in my head. Jane and Lonnie. How did I not see it before? The vacant expression, the green glare in their eyes. It's what my mother did to me when I wouldn't obey. They did it, but they didn't know what they were doing. "It was you" I accuse, "you made them do it didn't you?"

She laughs evilly and four dark figures appear. Jane, Lonnie, Chad, and Doug stand behind her, their eyes shining a bright green.

"How are they here?" I ask concerned for their wellbeing.

"Oh relax" she waves her hand and they disappear, "that's just their subconscious". She giggle one last time and then her face goes completely serious. "I knew you wouldn't come back on your own, so I started monitoring all your classmates in their sleep. When that girl, Audrey, took that picture of you I took the opportunity, but her subconscious was too annoying. Always thinking about princes and pink dresses, I couldn't tolerate it anymore, so I started using different people".

"You're crazy" I throw my hands in the air, "you're crazy. Why would you do something like this?"

"I'm going to take over the world, and with my power and your..." She stops and stares at me with disgust before she continues, "and you can be there by my side. Maybe one day you'll be as powerful as me".

"So much more powerful than your mother" Fairy Godmother's voice echoes in my head. And then a remember a conversation we had in one of my lessons. I asked her how will I know when my powers are balanced, and she just said "you'll know". I'm not ready to defeat my mother, but I can sure as hell try.

"I am stronger than you" I turn to the rocky wall and burst a tunnel open. I start running full speed into the dark tunnel. I can hear my mothers laughter behind me, but I just keep running. I run until my toes catch the edge of a cliff and I have to catch my balance to avoid falling. I look down at the harsh water and pointy rocks, and then I look up at the tall Rocky Mountains and the dark sky. I know this place. I've been here before, it feels familiar.

"Mal" I hear my mom sing along with her creepy laughter.

I have to do something now. I put my hand in front of me and focus. After a couple of seconds large rock pillars rise from the water creating a path to the other large rock formation. I take a deep breath before jumping onto the first pillar. I land awkwardly on my side, and I can feel the sting of a large scrape on the right side of my face as I slide on the surface of the rock pillar. I get up and look back over my shoulder. I can still hear my mother's laughter, but I can't see her yet. I jump to the next pillar and land without getting hurt. I look over my shoulder again and my mothers laughter stops. I look up and there it is in all its glory. Forbidden Mountain. Last time I was here we were looking for my mothers staff. I knew it looked familiar.

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