Chapter 2: The Impulse

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The bell rings just as I finally close the stupid laptop computer. I would have thrown it across the room, but instead I look at the clock on the Wall and realize that I have missed the first three periods. I have been locked in my room searching for more posts about Ben and I. I walk out of the room, slamming the door on my way out. I can't believe some creep was taking pictures of us this morning, and the morning before that, and Friday night, and I could keep going. I've texted Ben a couple times saying that we need to talk, but he hasn't even seen the messages.

I hold my chin up as I enter the school. Everyone stares at me, but I just ignore them. I open my locker and practically stick my head inside to avoid the deathly stares. Do they really think I don't know they are staring at me? Whatever. I grab my history book and close my locker as if nothing was bothering me. I continue to make my way down the hall. History Class is on the other end of the wing where my locker is. Maybe if I just act like nothing is going on they'll stop looking at me. I keep telling myself that, but when I am walk down the hall, people move to the sides as soon as they see me. For the first time in my life I feel like my mother. Of course they aren't moving out of the way because of fear like they did for my mother.

I can also hear them whispering. It's the same little comments and speculations they had posted on the stupid site.

"Such a whore" I hear one girl say.

"That's probably what they were taught on the isle" someone else comments.

"I bet she's pregnant" I hear from behind me.

"Gold digger" some boy says.

The history class is a couple of steps away, but when the bell rings I decide to go look for Ben. I turn around; however, before I even take a step I hear Mr. Dahl, my history teacher, behind me.

"And where exactly do you think you're going?" He asks. For a second I hope he isn't talking to me, but since I am now the only person standing in the hall there's really no pretending. I turn back around rolling my eyes and give him a fake smile.

"I have to go to the bathroom" I lie. Really Mal? Couldn't you thought of a better excuse. " I'll be back before you know it".

"Nice try" he opens the door for me, "come on before I have to give you a tardy in my class".

I walk into class reluctantly and sit down next to Evie. I usually enjoy history. It's one of the only classes I have with Evie, but right now I really don't feel like being anywhere with people. I open my notebook and begin doodling on the back page. Mr. Dahl goes on and on about some war that happened hundreds, if not thousands, of years ago involving ogres and trolls, but all I can think about is getting out of here and finding Ben.

"Mal?" I hear Evie ask quietly.

"Yes, Evie?" I respond hoping she doesn't ask if I'm okay.

"Are you okay?" And there it is.

"Yes Evie why wouldn't I be" I say through my gritted teeth and continue drawing without looking up.

"Carlos asked why you weren't in Science class" she explains, "and then Lonnie said you weren't in Art".

"I kind of stayed on the computer looking at all the gossip" I sigh putting my pencil down. "I know I shouldn't have done that, but I couldn't resist. And then I couldn't stop"

"Have you talked to Ben?" She whispers so no one hears us.

"No" replied with a crack in my voice. "I left a couple of messages but he had a-"

"Mal and Evie" Mr. Dahl interrupts, "if your conversation is so much more interesting than my class then maybe we should all hear what it is you are talking about". He smirks. Everyone is staring again. They all know what we were talking about. It's what everyone is talking about. I open my mouth to say something, but Evie speaks first.

"It's my fault Mr. Dahl" she half lies. "I asked Mal if she had the guidelines for a Geography project"

Everyone, including Mr. Dahl looks at us in disbelief, but he plays along. "Very well" he says, "please pay attention. The Ogre Wars are a particularly difficult part of history." He continues talking and I just pretend I'm paying attention until the bell rings and I bolt out of the room.

After fourth period comes lunch. I'm really hungry since I skipped breakfast, but it's easy to ignore because it nothing compare to how hungry we were on the island some days. Evie and I meet up with Jay and Carlos every day before lunch. They are standing by the cafeteria door as usual, but their faces are not the same. They're concerned about me which makes me really annoyed.

"Guys I'm fine" I bark at them and the concern washes away from their faces instantly, "Really, there's no need to worry". I go into the cafeteria first. Once again everyone stares and whispers. I'm not going to lie, it getting really annoying. Soon enough Evie, Jay and Carlos are by my side. They're silent for a couple of seconds.

"Let's go get some lunch" Jay says and the all begin walking to the lunch line, except me. It's like I can't take a step forwards, so instead I just take a step back.

"I'm not really that hungry guys" I lie, "I'll you you later". I turn around and walk out of the cafeteria but Carlos reaches for my shoulder. "Mal" he says softly, "it's okay to not be okay". Tears begin to fill my eyes and I just walk away from him.

I walk without a destination and somehow end up at the enchanted lake where we had our first date. It feels nice to be alone. Ben finally answered my texts. He said sorry for not answering, he had been in meeting all morning and was just getting to class. He was probably going to freak once he realized I wasn't at school.

I am sitting in the old ruins with a sketch pad and a pencil. I'm attempting to draw the lake, but not really liking how it is turning out. Right now I'm focusing on the water and nothing else. Just me and the crystal clear water. The water looks so good right now.

I get up and walk to the edge of the ruin. I look at the waterfall and remember how Ben jumped into the water on our first date. Without thinking I start to make my way to the top of the water fall. I never realized the view from the top. You could see acres of untouched forest and the suddenly Beast and Belle's appeared in the distance.

A further away you could still see the isle. It was small spec of darkness in the beautiful view, but no matter how small it seemed it was still there disrupting the beauty. It was amazing how insignificant the Isle looked from here. Someone who hasn't seen the isle up close could never imagine the awful things that go on there. But for me, for Carlos, for Evie, and for Jay, the memories will always be there.

I take one last glance at the isle before taking a step and plummeting into the water without thinking about what I was doing. I enjoy the cool feeling as I enter the water, but i quickly snap back into reality and panic once I remember. I can't swim.

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