❆ vi

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❝You’re cute.❞

❆ ❆ ❆

I cared too much sometimes — all the time actually. I told myself to stop worrying, and just have some ounce of hope that maybe, I’d have a chance to stay. Even though I had to leave to put things in a better state, I liked to think — daydream — about us being together. I knew he’d be hurt, but he’d find happiness soon. Everyone does. For some, it just doesn’t arrive early.

It was the next day. Another cold, scary day. Jungkook had asked me to meet him once again, and of course, I wouldn’t dare to reject. He said he’d bring some of his hyungs with him for company. I joked with him, asking if I wasn’t enough company and he only laughed, which made my heartbeat speed up.

“That's her? How were you so lucky to meet someone so pret—” I turned my head to face a box smile and ash brown hair. He had a cap on, and the typical winter outfit. Someone else was behind him.

“She can hear you, hyung.” Jungkook scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

“I’m V, call me Taehyung for short.” Tae's eyes widened and his cheeks blushed a deep red once he realized what he said. I tried my best not to snort, so I let out a small giggle instead. Jungkook put his head down in shame, and the blue-haired boy facepalmed.

Omo, pabo.” The older boy remarks.

Aish, I’d like to see you do better hyung,” The younger one challenges. Blue boy only shows the most adorable gummy smile and introduces himself as Min Yoongi, or Suga. Sweet.

“It’s great to meet you guys,”

“Jungkook–ah talks about you a lot, just so you know,” Tae says, a smirk playing on his lips as Jungkook holds his head down in shame. I’m sure I looked like a tomato.

“He does?”

“Yeah,” Suga nods in agreement, eyeing the shy brunette next to him, enjoying him being in such an embarrassed state. “Woke me up once from a nap.”

“Oh.” I managed to utter out, I was baffled.

“An–Anyway, we’re going out today,” Jungkook finally speaks, slightly stuttering.

“Where to? You didn’t tell me,” I pouted.

“It was going to be a surprise,” He smiled. “We’re going to the spring fair!” Tae blurted out, and Jungkook looked at him as if he was going to remove all his limbs.

“But spring isn’t coming though?” I lied to them, also confused as to why there was a spring fair. I thought they’d cancelled it, but I guess I thought wrong.

“I, uh, yeah, it isn’t.” Jungkook replies. “But they still have one. Possibly the last one they’ll ever have, because it seems like this weather is going to last for centuries.”

“So, like a farewell to the other seasons?” They nodded.

“I see,” I nodded. “Let’s go check it out then!”

• • •

The air was filled with happiness. Crowds were beginning to form around rides at the fair and children were running around with genuine smiles on their faces. Flashes of cotton candy filled my vision. Games, booths and toys were too. Older people strolled around, parents were searching for their kids and couples were cheering victoriously as they finally receive the prize from the claw machine. I’d never played it before, but I swear, it looked like a nightmare. The damn claw never hooked onto the toys and it felt rigged, but seeing them win made me want to try playing it with Jungkook.

I mentally slapped myself, everything I saw reminded me of him. He was corrupting my mind and my heart.

Not to mention, I already liked it here. No one seemed to care about the weather — there was just laughter.

Just then, Jungkook and Taehyung point at a ferriswheel, and I immediately regretted agreeing to this trip. I had a slight fear of heights, and this was higher than any apartment complex I’ve seen.

“I’m not going on that,” Suga mutters with irritation, glaring at the huge metal wheel in front of him. It spinned slowly, the people in the cabs smiling in content as they watched the city from such a height.

“Oh come on, hyung!” Jungkook begs the older one, Suga looking like he was about to fall asleep standing. Jungkook then turned to me and smiled his signature bunny smile, and I almost melted at the sight. He was the absolute cutest. How could I dare to leave him?

“Maybe we should go ourselves,” I suggest with a sympathetic smile to Suga, whose triangular eyes were failing to stay awake. “Get him some coffee,” Tae jokes, discreetly pointing to the sleepy blue–haired boy.

“I may be sleepy, but I can see and hear you,” Suga shoots him a glare and I try to choke back laughter. These boys have shot nothing but hate comments and offensive jokes at each other all day, but with the way they bonded, you could really tell they love each other. They just had a unique way of showing affection, and I thought it was cute.

“Alright, you can stay here then, Suga–hyung. Let’s go get tickets,” Tae shrugs as we walk over to the booths where they sold tickets. Jungkook strode behind, and in no time he was already beside me. Damn him and his long legs.

“You seem nervous, are you afraid of heights?” Jungkook asks, concern filling his eyes. I nodded, a little embarrassed. “Well, don’t be. I’m here.”

I turned to him with a shrug, then he did something I didn’t think he’d ever do.

His soft slender fingers laced with mine, and even in the cold temperature, they were warm. His hand felt like they were meant to be holding mine and I almost squealed. I held my head down as a light blush crept up to my cheeks.

Not long after, his other hand held my chin up to face him and he smiled, not showing his bunny teeth.

“You’re cute.” Jungkook uttered out, and at that point, I’m sure I looked like a tomato for the second time today.

Aish, Jeon Jungkook. Why do you make me feel this way?

“Um, thanks?” I thanked him with an awkward smile. It sounded like I was asking a question.

He only grinned in content, and at that moment, I swore, I was happy.

• • •

a/n: i made it guys. sem break. and hi sam. you better be reading this. 😉

~ i been shitting down for too long and my butt’s numb

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