#20 on the list

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Laura's POV

hah that fool is gonna loose so easy.. I can do all of these stuff!  I looked at the list it looked so easy!

1. Wear makeup

2. Get noticed

3. wear DESIGNER clothes

seems easy so far..

4. make people your servants.. even teachers if you can go that


I scoffed and kept reading.

5. loose some weight! you look like a pineapple!!

is she seriously comparing me to a PINEAPPLE! she's the pineapple.. okay I have to work on my comebacks..

6. go to parties and make parties! remember all populars throw parties no one will EVER forget.

how the hell am I supposed to do that?!?

8. flirt with boys; make them come to you too.

only boys without eyes but after a makeover they'll be falling over me in no time...

9. be a rebel.

awwww. there goes my perfect attendance record... oh well

10. become a cheerleader than the head cheerleader.. well if you could beat me.

that moron thinks I can't beat her I'll show he-

I bumped into someone and tumbled down. I felt pain rush to my forehead. I touched my forehead and I felt a big bruise. I looked up and my eyes met another pair of warm chocolate brown eyes.. wait.. isn't that they guy that snapped at me to take my books.. wait the ROSS LYNCH.. oh shoot.. I stood up and I quickly took my penny board out of my locker. why do I keep bumping into this guy!?!? ugh!

Ross: wait! hey! you okay?

I spun around and saw him running towards me.  he looked at me with sympathy. huh? ok that hit in the head must've been a little too hard cause he's actually being sympathetic.

Laura: uh.. yeah ouch!

i winced in pain. it hurt so much.. a tear fell out of my eye. I didn't want to cry in front of him. I turned around and started walking away. I heard him say wait and then I turned around to see him mumbling and walking away. whatever I said to myself. I reached my house and put the stupid list on the counter. I changed and put on some sweats and a loose T-shirt hat said ''you are who you are while others aren't'' and some gray ugs. I walked downstairs and got a granola bar and went back upstairs and then I started jamming to some old tunes like from Queen and The beetles. then my list fell. I bent down to pick it up but there was a page attached to it.. huh?? I looked at it and it said second page of RULES?!?! huh?! what the hell. I read down and my heart stopped at the bottom of the list.. #20

20. get the ROSS LYNCH to truly LOVE you and you win. let's see if you can complete everything.

I almost had a heart attack. I have to get Ross lynch; the most hottest, popular and cutest guy in school... uh oh..

okay so i updated yay! and I keep loosing the damn WIFI! ugh like kill me -mya

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