Chapter 17

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Sophie's POV

I felt my breath hitch in my throat and it felt like my heart sank down to the bottom of my stomach. I let my phone fall to the floor, not caring if it was gonna crack or not. I couldn't believe it. I felt dizzy and it was as if the world had stopped spinning. I slid down against the wall and hugged my knees. I couldn't breathe. I tried to mumble things to myself that would help me feel better, but they all turned into cries. What if he wasn't going to make it? What if he loses his memory? All these things are highly possible which worried me. I need him, and I can't lose him. I took a few moments to catch my breath and calm down. I slowly stood up, and picked up my phone. I dialed Matthew's number. He answered after the third ring.

"Hey Soph, what do you need?" He answered.

"Matt..." I said.

"Soph what's wrong?" He asked noticing the tone of my voice.

"I got a call, from this hospital where Aaron lives, and they told me that he got into a car accident." I said hiccuping int he middle of my sentence.

"Oh my god. Is he ok?" He asked with his voice full of concern.

"I don't know." My voice cracked.

"I'll go tell the guys and we could go fly over there tomorrow night if you want." He said.

"Yeah that would be great." I said. "And Matt," I continued.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Can you come over? I really need someone right now."

"Of course I can," he said softly. "I'll be there in a bit, just hang in there." I heard shuffling in the back, letting me know he's hurrying over to get here. I smiled.

"Ok, see ya." I hung up and dialed Gia. I told her what happened and she agreed to fly with us tomorrow night. I threw my phone on my pillow and went downstairs to get a glass of water. I found my mom in the kitchen.

"Hi mommy." I startled her.

"Oh my gosh you sc- hey baby what's wrong?" She said walking up to me and cupping my face. A few tears slipped out of my eyes and she wrapped me in her arms.

"Aaron was in a car accident." I sobbed into her shoulder as she swayed us back and forth.

"Oh baby, it's ok. I know he will be alright. You could get through this, you're a tough girl." She made me smile and I pulled away.

"I know it's too much to ask, but can I fly over to Louisiana to see Aaron with the rest of the group." She pulled her eyebrows together and looked like she deciding if I should or not. "Please mom, I need to see him." I begged. She sighed and nodded. My eyes widened and I smiled at her. I hugged her again. "Thank you thank you thank you." I said and she chuckled. She walked over to the fridge and poured me a glass of water. I thanked her and the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." I hurried over to the door and answered it. Matt stood before me in a white hoodie and sweats. I grinned and jumped onto him, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, like a koala. "Thank you for coming, and being a such an amazing friend to me." I said into his ear.

"I'll always be here for you Soph, so are you doing alright?" He asked, rubbing my back.

"Yeah," I said and jumped off of him. I led him into my house and into the kitchen. My mom was making herself a salad while she was watching something on her tablet. I cleared my throat, and she looked up.

"Oh, Hey baby, who's this." She smiled.

"This is one of my close friends, Matthew. He's part of Magcon." I happily introduced him.

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