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I followed Alexander down the sidewalk of the neighborhood that I had lived in, but had never seen, my entire life. Throughout our walk, I had become enthralled by the dark, simple colors around me- so much that I did not even know where we were going. I did not see which street we went down or which park we went through- I saw the colors. I saw him.

His suit was flawless: without a single spot or wrinkle. I studied it and gently brushed over the fabric with my fingertips. Alexander looked down at me with amusement clear on his face.

"Do you like it?" I smiled but impulsively looked down. An uncomfortable feeling rushed through me that I had never felt before: my cheeks crimsoned red and my heart beat faster than average. It frustrated me that I did not know what feelings had come over me.

The corners of his mouth moved imperceptibly as he caught my hand in his. I jumped when I felt his skin touch mine. It burned- but the sensation of sparks and pain was addicting.

"Are you cold?" He practically stopped in his tracks. I stiffened when he walked in front of me with an expression of fear on his face.

"Your hands are freezing." He placed my hand between his own. My skin burned, but he felt close to a thousand degrees. Still, the little shocks I felt were pleasant. "Do you want my jacket?" He reached to take it off without question.

"Will it hurt?" I wondered out loud. He gave a soft look in return and tipped his head in confusion.

"No..." He answered, giving me a rather strange look. I felt embarrassed, assuming I had done something wrong. I assured myself that I was trying to fit in as best as I could- but I did not know how. I peered down at his sleeve, my fingers brushed the edge of his cuff, it stung with warmth and I knew if I put it on, it would hurt with heat.

"No, thank you. I am okay." I glanced up at him, unknowingly hoping he would be looking back.

"Aren't you cold?" I simply nodded my head.

"No, I am okay. It feels nice." I stepped past him and I continued to stroll down our path. He silently laughed and followed close behind me. "Where are we going, Alexander?" I questioned, walking casually next to him. I kept my eyes on the floor to avoid eye contact, practically seeming to be distracted by everything.

I knew he thought my eyes were weird- otherwise, he would not have asked if I was blind. That is not the first question a man asks a woman. My mind raged at my father. He could have made me normal, but he forgot! How could he forget one simple thing!

My heart gushed with emotion when Alexander showed me a small smile. From what I could see, his teeth were a brilliant white and it made the whole world seem brighter. I was mesmerized. He enveloped my hand in his and tenderly brushed his lips on the back of it.

Suddenly, a warning alarmed my body: my eyelids began to feel heavy. Oh no. My mind scrambled to a halt and remembered exactly what James said to me earlier that night: "Don't forget about the sleep you must take-"

Sleep. My mind is tired- I am going to fall asleep. "Wait," I said quickly, while my eyes grew heavier and heavier.

"What's wrong?" He frowned and placed his hand gently on the side of my face. "Are you okay, Lilith?" As he spoke my name, my heart skipped a beat, and his deep, smooth voice made my stomach flip. My eyes wanted to close, but I pushed them open.

"I need to-" My body turned weak then I could hardly stand. His eyes widened in horror and he immediately wrapped his arm around my waist.

"What's wrong? What-" My eyes were clouding as though I were looking through foggy glass.

I had never tried to stay awake past my bedtime; I always made sure to get into bed and close my eyes before I even felt tired. James advised me that if I lingered awake for too long, I would not be able to see when my mind was unconscious like I am normally able to. I simply would not have the strength. The stranger was panicking and I felt his heartbeat match the pace of his breathing.

At that moment, my mind made a connection- he had been the one I heard. It was his breathing, his voice in my head. "Talk to me. What's happening?" Although the darkness had taken my vision and my body had fallen limp with my heartbeat, I forced my voice out:

"Sleep," I spoke as my eyes rolled back. That was the first time everything went black.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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