I Have a Confession

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1 week before Thanksgiving Day P.O.V.

I pace the floors of my room. How am I supposed to do this? It's time. I can't just ignore it. I promised my grandma.

But it will ruin everything. I guess there's a small chance it could make my life perfect, but I doubt it.

What can I do? Can I take her to the beach? Or maybe just something small randomly throughout what we are doing today. Yeah. That's what I'll do. I have to have to tell her. My grandma is coming to Thanksgiving and I promised.

I walk downstairs to see June laughing with my mom. Her laugh is absolutely gorgeous.

"June, do you want to go to the mall today?" I ask.

"Sure why not? But why do you sound so nervous?" This is the problem with her being so smart.

"I'm not." I say calmly.

"Okay." She says unsure. Truth be told I'm terrified, this very well may be the last time June and I go do something together.

I walk upstairs and get dressed. I'm shaking by the time I walk back.

I sit down on the stairs. It's okay. You're okay. June and I will be okay. I mean I've kissed her. But that didn't really mean anything. That's crap. I love her and I know that that's not anywhere true. 

We are inside the first store we found at the mall. We are kinda messing with the cashier. I kind of feel bad for him, except he looked at June in a way that made my stomach twist. If anyone, including him, ever looks at her that way again I swear I will kill them.

"Are you sure you don't sell them?" June says smirking. The guy is still being creepy.

"No, we only sell everything you can find in the store." He says. June runs away and comes back with an adorable toddler. I recognize her. I think she's June's cousin.

"I'd like to buy this baby." She says.

"No. I can't sell you a kid. You are aware of why I can't sell you a kid right?"

"Blah blah blah constitution blah blah blah owning people is illegal. What about adoption? Why do people have to pay for those babies?"

"Ma'am please take that child to their mother and leave the store." He says.

"Fine," she looks at his nameplate. "Liam. So uptight. Let's go Day."

I laugh and follow her. "It's a good thing that guy didn't know you were her cousin." I say as we walk her back to her mom.

June kneels on the floor to talk to her and I follow suit.

"Thanks Daisy." She says. "Who's that?" She says pointing at me. June laughs. "I'm Day." I say.

"Are you my cousin's boyfriend?" She asks. Whoah kid. Did ya have to ask that?

"No." I say trying my best not to offend June. "I'm her best friend."

"I thought best friends were the same. Is you a girl? Is that why you has long hair?" She asks. Little kids grammar. It's so Cute.

"No I'm a boy." I say looking up to where June is laughing.

"Oh. Okay. Can I hug you?" Oh my gosh.  She's adorable.

"Sure." She wraps her arms around my left arm and then walks over to her mom.

"She's cute." I say. "I think I've met her before but she wouldn't remember it."

"We should go. But let's not walk by that creepy Liam guy again." June says.

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