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Years later

Dearest June,

I am so sorry for all that I've wronged you. I know I don't deserve it but I'd love your forgiveness. I've been seeing a therapist recently and she thought it was a good idea for me to write letters to the people I've wronged. I never truly forgave myself for what I did to you. I pretended to. That's why I talked to you about what went down multiple times. You always slammed the door in my face or ignored me.

I just wanted to let you know I care about you. I care about you a lot. If you ever need anything I'm here for you.

With Love, Anden

I toss the letter across June's desk.

What is wrong with him? Why did June keep this letter? It was dated months ago.

Ughhhhhh. Everything is so stressful lately. I got a job working for Michael's company. I'm making more money than I care to admit. It doesn't mean I don't miss my old life.

It used to be so simple. Just running around with June. Life used to be easy. I miss those days. The days when we were madly in love and didn't care about anything else.

Now there's so much more to care about. Not that I'm not still madly in love with June. It's just that everything is so much harder than it used to be.

I hear the door slam and a groan from June. The TV turns on a few seconds later.

I walk into our living room where she is.

"Hey June." I say. She groans.

"Can I quit my job?" She asks.

I laugh. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing it's just- I just want to stay at home."

"Why? So you can be with Anden?"

"What?!" She yells standing up quickly. "Where did you- what are you suggesting?"

"I'm suggesting that keeping a letter of his for months after he sent it is kind of ridiculous." I say. She looks angry.

"I'm sorry I didn't show you it. You ever think I didn't show you it because I didn't care about it?"

"Well I think you know I would want to know."

"Day shut up! Okay? I don't love him! Why the hell would I?"

"Why did you keep this?!" I ask.

"Because I forgot about it!" She says. I see a tear on her cheek.

"June, what's wrong?" I ask.

"You're yelling at me Day. That is what is wrong."

"But you usually don't cry unless there's something seriously wrong." I walk to her and wrap her up in my arms. "I'm sorry."

"Day it's not just this. I've just been emotional lately. Maybe I'm pregnant." She jokes. I roll my eyes and laugh.

"Yeah. Sure." I take her by the hand and walk over to the couch. We sit down together. The tone in the room has changed drastically in the last thirty seconds.

"But what if I am?" June asks. "What would we do? I know you hate your job. Don't even try to tell me it's not true. I'd want to quit but I couldn't put you through that. You'd be stuck working the job you hate."

"What if I told you I applied for that job we talked about weeks ago?"

"You did?" June asks happily. "You know, we'd have to move to Texas."

"I know. I know. It'd be hard but I think that we'd like it there. The hot weather would suck but we'd be happier."

"That reminds me," she stands up and walks over to the table before pulling up her pant leg and putting her gun on the table. She works in a really sketchy neighborhood.

"Why did that remind you of that?!" She shrugs.

"All this talk of Texas, I dunno."

"You make a good point. Just take a pregnancy test idiot." She sticks her tongue out at me before grabbing the box from one of the grocery bags.

"You already bought them?" I ask smirking.

"Yes Day. I already bought them. I've been suspecting this for a few days now."

She walks away with the box.


It's been half an hour. What is wrong?

I walk upstairs to our bedroom and hear June in the bathroom. She's crying.

I run in and scoop her into my arms.

"What's wrong sweetheart? Not the result you wanted?" The test is turned over on the floor about three feet away.

"Check for yourself." She says. "I'm not sure what to think."

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"I told you. Check it."

"But didn't you pee on it?" She slaps my arm.

"Pick it up you dummy." I smile at her and peck her lips before turning to pick up the test.

"You're pregnant?" I ask. She nods. "I think I am." She says.

"Who's the father?" She slaps me on the arm.

"Shut up." She says. "Oh no. Now I have to tell your mom this. She's going to freak out. Please no."

"Well we can wait to tell her for a while. People usually do that you know." June nods, her hair swinging inside her loose ponytail.

My phone starts to ring. It's an unknown number. It starts in 806. I pick up.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hi, is this Daniel Wing?" A man with a low voice and a strong accent asks.

"Yes, this is."

"We would like to offer you that job in Amarillo, however you'd need to move here in the next three months." I have the phone on speaker. I look over to June.

She nods smiling softly. She knows this is what I want. It's the only reason she's going with it.

"I'll take it."

"Great. Well I'll email you the details." He says. "I look forward to working with you."

"Thank you." I hang up.

"June, you can take a few years off work. I mean we'll have to budget properly because this job pays way less, but it's doable. We'd still get enough money to live comfortably."

"I'd love that." She says smiling.

"I can't believe it. Amarillo." I kiss her forehead smiling and stand up with her.

A/N: Amarillo seemed like a nice random place ok? Don't judge. Anyways thanks for reading! Vote and comment!


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