Thirty-Five- "We'll come back, too."

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The Losers stood over the side of the well and breathed a sigh of relief. They'd finally won.

"I know what I'm doing for my summer experience essay..." Richie commented.

Bill turned towards Beverly and wrapped his arms tightly around her. He hadn't seen how the group had woken her up, but frankly, he didn't care. All that mattered to him was that she was safe and that she could stay in his arms for another day.

"Hey, guys?" Eddie coughed out, gaining the group's attention. He pointed up in the air, towards the top of the toy pile. "The kids, they're floating down."

Everyone stared up into the air, searching for anyone that they might find familiar. Near the top of the toy pile, falling to rest peacefully on a wooden board, was an easily recognizable body. Mia couldn't look, her heart ached.

Patrick Hockstetter lay lifeless at the top of the toy pile.

Bill Denbrough spotted Georgie's yellow raincoat amongst the toys and rubble in the sewer. His eyes watered and he couldn't help but sob. He approached the small garment and knelt down beside it, lifting it into his arms. He held it tightly to his chest and cried. Richie followed behind his friend and joined him on the floor, hugging him tightly, trying his best to comfort him while he cried.

Soon enough, every one of the Losers was knelt on the floor of the sewer, holding each other tightly and crying. They spent several minutes like this, just holding onto each other tightly. They'd beaten the demon, they'd won the battle. It was time for them to go home,  to return to how things had been before. And while each of them wished that they hadn't experienced any of the horrors that they had that summer, the friendships they formed were worth it all and more. 

September fell over the town of Derry. It'd been two weeks since the Losers had defeated the clown, and to the rest of the town's surprise, there hadn't been any more disappearances. The Losers never shared the story of what had happened in the sewers. No one would ever believe that they were telling the truth for one, and also, they believed that by telling the tale it could somehow rebirth the fear of the clown into their hearts.

Everything was very peaceful. It seemed that even nature itself was aware of the clown's defeat, beginning to thrive and bloom flowers, even this late in the summer. Birds chirped and ducks quacked in the summer sun, singing and splashing around the Derry river.

The Losers club sat in a circle on the edge of the Derry river. The sun was warm and shining brightly, lighting up their skin and bringing a warm and comforting feeling to each of them. 

"I can only remember parts, but..." Beverly sighed, trying to piece together what Pennywise had done to her, "I thought I was dead... That's what it felt like. I saw us, all of us together back in the cistern, but we were older." Bev looked around the circle and stared at Stanley for several seconds, as if she had something to hide from him. The Uris boy was completely out of it, feeling extremely depressed. "I mean, our parent's ages..."

"W-w-w-what were we all doing there?" Bill stuttered.

"I just remember how we felt..." Bev carried on, taking her eyes off of the Uris boy and continuing around the circle, "how scared we were, I don't think I can ever forget that."

Bill Denbrough picked up a piece of broken glass from the grass below him and stood up. 

"Swear..." He began, "swear... If IT isn't dead, if IT ever comes back, we'll come back, too."

The Losers hesitantly stared at one another, feeling both empowered and terrified to make this promise. Bev was the first to stand up, then Richie, Eddie, Mike, Ben, and finally, Stanley.

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