Info - Important! ^w^ ♡

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Hey everyone!

I will start with some rules- boring I know. But always good to have the rules clear for everyone so no one missunderstands here.

Rule 1: Write more than 1 sentence please. It's hard for me to go on just one sentance. I like when it is a bit more explained in maybe 5 sentences or so cuz then it gets more fun in my opinion and easier for me on what to write.

Rule 2: Cursing is allowed and I am not someone who sensore my words cuz, I don't give a fuck about my words, but if you can't handle the words you can tell me so I can sensore it in the rp like f*ck, A$$, sh*t and such.

Rule 3: Smut is allowed and will/might be in. If you don't like it tell me and I will accept. If you don't write I guess smut is allowed for you and that you want it/don't mind it.

Rule 4: Yaoi and Yuri is in the book as well if you wanna rp that. My characters will be attracted to both/any gender cuz I am a flexible person. If you want Yaoi and Yuri, you can tell me and I know.

Rule 5: Don't decide over my OC's like: The knife hit him deeply.
Make it more like: the knife was aimed at him and it was hard to miss.
For examples.

Rule 6: DON'T OVERPOWER'EM!! If all people in the world was like gods it would be no fun, everyone has weaknesses so please. No Godmode.

That was all with the rules folks ^w^
Sorry if it was boring;;

Now, over to how you do incase you're new. (Cuz I had problems with this I admit owo;;;)

Step 1: You comment a description of a character you wanna rp with in next chapter *Character Mode* and I answer either accepted or denyed.

Step 2: You choose a character of mine you wanna rp, which scenario and comment "May I?" + scene.

Step 3: Wait for me to answer on your request and we start the rp.

Easy right? ^w^

Now last of all. Info on how I comunicate within rp.

If u wanna ask something outside of rp like if u wanna timeskip or wonder something of what I wrote and such, use (  ) these.

When I am busy for diffrent reasons I will write:
Brb - for the next common 1-2 hours or less.
Sleep - When I go to sleep and answer after a couple of hours.
Pause - If I know I will be busy for more than 2 hours/24 hours. Can be school, work, visit a friend or something like that.
Back - Means I am back and ready for rp again.

If I haven't wrote any of these 4 you're allowed to tag me if I don't answer within 1 hour. If I don't answer after that tag me again after 24 hours. If I haven't replyed then, I am probably dead or taken by aliens or my phone/computer is broken and I will return in a couple of days or never. - but that won't happen unless I write I am closing this book of rp for a couple of days to rest or so and u still wonder why I haven't answered or if I'm distracted at the moment.

I will also tag you if it takes a long timw and you disappear just sayin'

If you don't behave or follow my rules, I will say Rp-dismissed- meaning the rp with you is off and will be deleted.

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