The Actress

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A woman with sparkle around her and full of energi enters the room for next interview.
"Haaai! I am ready for the intervie~~w! This will be so great for all my fans!" She says as she enters the room. The interviewer looks a bit stunned seeing her.
"Um.. y-yes. Please take a seat." Interviewer says and fix her glasses.
"Sure thing! Let's sta~rt!" The woman says. The interviewer looks a bit disturbed.
'Um... that's my line...;;' interviewer thinks but sits up a bit clearing her throat.

Name: "haven't you heard of me? I'm Aina Storm ofcourse! The big actress!" She says all sparkling.

Nickname: "none! If I have one they wouldn't know I was Aina Storm ofcourse!" She says being veeery full of herself.

Age: "why does it matter?! As long as I'm alive and active age doesn't matter!" She says still full of herself and suddenly switch to britan accent.
(She's 31)

Gender: "who do you take me for?! Do I look like a boy to you?! No I don't think so I'm a woman ofcourse a$$hole!" She says complainingly still in british accent weirdly.

Sexual attraction: "oh darling, are you in love with me? Sorry, I only date boys. I'm straight~" she says flirtingly giving a wink to her still british.

Personality: "I would say, I am very kind, very gorgeus aaaaand very smart." She says back to american accent. Like wut?
(She's kind and smart, but also very full of herself loving to be in the spotlight all the time.

Appearance: "oh! You want me to look in the camera?! Sure! Everything for my fans~" she says and stands up looking in to the camera.

Appearance: "oh! You want me to look in the camera?! Sure! Everything for my fans~" she says and stands up looking in to the camera

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Family: "okay, I don't need to bring this up cuz you have already met my beloved twinsister, but fine. I have a twinsister, and my parents died 3 years ago." She says confidently.

Backstory: "my past was fabulous!~" she says.
(She has the same backgroundstory as Aisha. That their parents was never around and they had a nanny taking care of them instead. After their parents death they parted ways to follow their dreams. Aisha to work on an airplane and Aina to America to become an actress. A 3 year old hardwork and she's already a star after 6 movies in 3 years.)

Likes: "I love the theater baby~" she says confidently and flirty.

Dislikes: "I dislike rudeness so stop it!" She says angrily in british.
(People who asks about age and stuff she finds rude and offending.)

Power: "Sadly not." She answers shortly.
(She has the same teleportation power as her sister. She can teleport to places she has already been at, and other places she haven't been at if she has a map)

Specie: "human ofcourse~" she answers flirtingly.
(Mage, just don't know it)

Weakness: "pf, weakness? Why would I even have one?" She asks like it's obvious she wouldn't have one.
(She has the energy draining from her power ofcourse. But her weakness is attention-drop. When the spotlight is not on her and on someone else, she becomes very angry cuz she always wanna be in the spotlight of fame.)

Pet: "I work 24/7. Why would I have time for a pet then?" She asks like it's obvious.
(If she would have one, it would be cat like her sis.)

Fear: "no, I have no fear." She says confidently.
(Other from her sister who can't swim she actually can since she needed the ability to a movie. The fear she has tho is to loose her populerity and be a street-rat away from the luxurylife she has now.

Other: "what more info do you need than the fact I am fabulous?~" she asks.
(She has a birthmark too like her sis but on the left shoulder.)

"Okay, I believe that was all." The interviewer says releavingly.
"Great! It was very delightfull. Max! Call my car over here. We are done now~" she says and leaves the room with her guard Max.
The interviewer breaths out in exhaustion.

Story: In this story, you're either a famous person or a normal one who meets Aina during work inside. You will either work with her in the movie or work with somthing else in it or outside it  (Can be sponsor for it, singer to a song, janitor, stage-upsetter or something else you cab think of.) You get to know eachother and if your famous she will see you as competition and be rude to you and all full of herself and if you're a normal person she will treat you like a servent.
If it goes slow in the story I will later make her being kidnapped.

Scene 1: It's early in the morning and Aina prepare herself for the next shot she will do to the knew movie she's acting in. She calls her driver to bring up the car and walks out. On her way to hollywood she look in her phone searching after new things people have wrote about her. The driver stops and Aina walks out all confident and fab like she's the star. She walks all glamorus on her way inside when she suddenly bumps in to you.
"Oh! Argh! Can you look where you walk?! You're absolutly in my way!" She say angrily to you. You...

Scene 2: You make it...

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