6. After Practice

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I was walking out the class as the bell rung for us to leave school. As I walked to the parking lot I saw Zion about to get in his car but I stopped him.

Hey big brother

Zion- What do you want

Why do you think I want something

Zion- cause you came over here saying hey big brother

I just wanted to know what you were doing

Zion- Where do you want to go

Just to get some food with my friends before practice

Zion- ok I can take y'all

It's 5 of us tho

Zion- No your not taking my car

Please Zion I don't ask you for anything

Zion- And

Please I just want to get something to eat

Zion- fine but, there are some rules

I groaned knowing he was about to be extra about this

Zion- 1. No boys in the car
I know that

Zion- 2. No eating in my car


Zion- yes. 3. Do not mess with my stereo or anything else in my car

It's a stereo

Zion- It's MY stereo and I have it set up just how I like it. And lastly, DO NOT RECK MY CAR. That car cost a lot of money and if you reck I'll-

Do nothing now thank you brother

I kissed him on the cheek and then called the girls over. They ran to the car and we all got in and speed off.

I was at work working out when Africa walked in

Africa- boy i swear you haven't aged cause you still look fine after all these years

I laughed at her and put the weight down.

Girl quit playing

Africa- if forreal, if you weren't gay i would have been fucked you

Whatever, are you here to work out

Africa- Hell no, never again. In here to tell you, that you have a date tonight.

No i don't

Africa- yes you do because i set you up with one of the doctors at my hospital, so come on

Africa I'm not going on no blind date

Africa- well i know him so it's not all the way blind


Africa- O'Dell you haven't been on a date since August an- oh my bad

No your fine, but I'm not looking for anybody right now

Africa- Please, look you don't have to stay there long. Just speak and if you want to leave after then leave.

What time?

Africa- i knew you would say yes. Let's go so i can get you dress.

She grabbed my stuff and dragged me out of the gym. I really wasn't feeling this date thing but it wouldn't hurt to try.

Love After Football: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now