16. Now this

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I was in my room playing 2k with CJ when my phone rung. I looked and saw Miracles name pop up. I declined it and continued to play the game. She kelp calling and i kelp declining. She called 8 times before stopping

CJ- bro who blowing you up

Just some hoe

CJ- damn you got them like that

I thought you knew i be having them like that

CJ- oh my bad player

I then got a text from her

I would come open this door before i ring
the doorbell and ur people answers😏

At first i didn't think nothing of it until i realize she crazy af. I dropped the controller and ran down to the front door. I swung it open and saw Miracle standing there with the twins in their car seat. I quickly stepped outside and closed the door behind me.

Aye what you doing over here? I ain't call you over here

Miracle- you have to get them. I have to work and my parents are out of town

You cant get no one else to watch them

Miracle- you nigga your their father

Aye keep your voice down my people home. They still don't know

Miracle- I'm not finna wait on you to tell them and we not finna have this conversation every time i drop them off. Now your watching them and that's final.

She places the car seats on the ground and kissed the kids. She then walked into the house and grabbed the keys off the key rack and walked to my car.

What tha hell are you doing

Miracle-I got dropped off and i dont have a car. You don't want your babymomma to walk do you. Thanks

She got in the car and drove off. I looked at them and they were wide awake. I'm fucked now. I peaked into the house to see if anyone was there and it was clear. I picked up the car seats and quietly made my way in the house closing the door. As i started to walk up the stairs CJ came out the room and saw me.

CJ- Aye bro who k-

Shhhh nigga damn, with yo loud ass

CJ- who k-


CJ- alright alright

Just move 'round nigga

I ran up the stairs and into my room as CJ followed and closed the door.

CJ- nigga who kids you stole

I ain't steal nobody kids. I'm babysitting

CJ- Now who would let yo dumb ass watch they kids

Shut up punk

Love After Football: Book 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang