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Glass shattered on the floor, making me flare my eyes open out of shock.

I quickly grabbed a bathrob and slowly walked to the door. Opening it cautiously, I tip-toed down the stairs, careful not to make a sound.

The heart was pumping loudly in my chest almost painfully. I heard rushed footsteps and I dared not make a sound.

The shattered glass sound came from the kitchen area. It was dark and I didnt know where any of the switches were located. Only the moonlight slightly lit up the house by shining through the windows.

I heard footsteps hurry out through what seemed an open door. Not knowing which door it was, I forged ahead towards the kitchen to quietly grab a pan.

I accidentally stepped on the shattered glass I could not see and screamed out loud as pieces pierced through my heel and middle of my left foot. Forcing me to sit on the floor in pain.

Almost immediately, the lights when one and I looked up in panic to see Namjoon completely confused at what he saw.

"YN! What happended here?"

He rushed over to me and helped me up. "I heard someone come in the house and glass fell to the floor." I said in pain as the glass stung into my flesh.

Namjoon thought hard at who would possibly get past his password on his door.

He turned to me to assure me. "It was probably just a burglar, my neighbour had a similar incident". Lying to me hurt him so bad. He wished he didnt have to lie everytime.

"Come, lets get you cleaned up before it gets infected." He helped me up to the beginning of the stairs. "Wait here".

He rushed to the front door and began typing in a new password, tightly shutting the door afterwards.

He walked back over to me and placed one arm under my knees and another around my back to lift me off the floor.

After washing the wounds carefully with disinfectant diluted in water, he carefully applied some medicine he had in his bathroom cabinet and wrapped my foot gently but tightly.

"Will I be able to go to work like this?"

"Probably not, you have to walk around and that wont help you to heal sooner".

I sulked and my shoulders sunk.

"Im sorry YN, for what just happened."

"Its ok, you said your neighbour also had a problem with burglars."

"I know but I was afraid it could have been someone else"

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, I just was shocked to find you in that state". Namjoon spoke while he placed everything in the first aid kit back in its place.

"Why do you live alone anyways? Dont you have family?"

Namjoon froze at my question.

"Im sorry if my question made you uncomfortable, I shouldnt be asking such personal questions....its not like we are that close".

Namjoon looked up at me. He was about to say something when I turned around to look at the watch. "Look at the time!"

I grabbed the sheets and tacked myself into bed. "I have to get to bed after that shock I had."

I buried myself in the sheets. Praying Namjoon would not do anything to make me face him. I realized what I had said and it hurt. It hurt me to think we were actually not that close.

Namjoon slowly closed the first aid box and took it back into his cabinet. He walked down stairs into his training room and put on some boxing gloves. For 1 hour he punched the bag. Sweat dripping profusely like a waterfall.q

With every punch, his mind fought with him. Every word Hoseok said, every word I said. It ate him up.

Let her go Namjoon.....I know you have feelings for her but she will not be alive if you keep holding on to her.

Its not like we are that close.

He knows Namjoon, he knows your every move.

Frustration built up in his veins. He felt like screaming. He punched the bag harder and harder until he couldnt anymore.

Tired and feeling utterly defeated, he decided to take a shower and go to sleep.



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Drug Lord || Namjoon FFWhere stories live. Discover now