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"Ah yes, my little minions brought me a gift I presume?" Jin's voice sounded like a happy one contrary to the rumours.

Namjoon and Hoseok were shocked to discover their boss was rather talkative and slightly humourous.

"I believe you both are meeting me for the first time?"

Their heads remained bowed. Avoiding eye contact as much as possible.

The briefcase was snatched from Hoseok by one of Jin's bodyguards and placed on the table to be opened.

The bodyguard confirmed with Jin the true amount.

"Wow, you boys are loyal as fuck, you could have just run away with the money you know? Oh wait, I would kill you then." He chuckled loud, placing his hand on Namjoon's shoulder to pat him.

He leaned into his ear and whispered "lets keep it up and never put daddy in a bad mood ok?"

He chuckled again and removed another cigar from his pocket to smoke. "Not everyone gets to see my face, they all die before they get the chance to." He smiled at himself. "But I think I will enjoy myself with this new arrangement. Im suddenly interested". He walked around both Namjoon and Hoseok as he spoke.

They were at a secret location. Both Namjoon and Hoseok do not know the way here or out of here.

"Now that you have seen my face, you will never escape from me."

He ushered his bodyguards to return them to the train station. They were blind folded again and taken out of the secret location.

They rod the train in silence. Allowing what they had just seen and heard to sink in.

"Now you know exactly what we are dealing with" Hoseok broke the silence. "And I will not be there to save you from your stupidity".

Hoseok stood up from his seat to drop off the station they had arrived at.


It was the beginning of the exam period at the college I worked at and so the library was filled with students from morning till evening.

My days became longer and I had to work on the weekends as well. Michelo did not have it easy either.

I was busy organizing the books back on the shelves. I got down the ladder to pick up more books from the stool beside it.

Michelo came to the aisle I was in. "Hey, YN I have to see the principal of the college and we have run out of paper. Mind going out to get some?"

"Im on it." I took the ladder out of the aisle before I could finish organizing the books.

"Here, borrow my car keys" She said. I rushed out to the parking lot to look for her car. I already had a long day and did not plan on spending any more extra time after I bought the paper. Briefly checked my phone to see its 6:30PM and I let out a huge sigh.

I drove to the nearby stationary store and they had run out of stock. As though this day couldnt get any longer. I drove a little further out of the main campus and surrounding areas to another store near a filling station.

I pulled over and got into the store to get the paper. It was already dark outside and the cashier was impatiently waiting to get off work.

I grabbed what I could find after noticing the cashier putting up the "closed" sign. Quickly walking out of the store with a box of paper in both hands, my phone buzzed in the middle of the parking lot.

I fiddled with the box but finally decided to put it down before reaching into my pocket. It was Namjoon calling. This day would  basically be the longest day of my life.

I had a little debate with myself on whether or not I should answer. Looking around the parking lot, I spoke into the phone.

My eyes landed on some figures in a nearby shroud of trees. Trying to make out what was happening, I gasped into the phone.

"YN, whats wrong?"

I zoned out and completely forgot Namjoon was on the other end of the line demanding an answer. Someone just got stabbed brutally with a knife and his screams were muffled by the group of men surrounding him.

Before I could register what I had just seen, the figures began to approach my direction.

Without cutting the call, I quickly struggled to fish out the car keys and with shaky hands opened the door and slid in with the box of paper. I threw my phone onto the passenger seat and started to drive.

In a state of panic, I almost ran a red light. Beads of sweat appeared on my forehead and dampened the perfect afro fringe I had made in the morning before work.

"Hello! YN?? What is going on!"

Namjoon's voice on the other line reminded me I was on a phone call. I shakily picked up the phone as I drove back to the library.


"What the hell is happening?!"

"I will call you back ok? Just let me get home".

I cut the call and headed home after dropping off the package at the library. I was still in a state of panic and the presence of a taxi nearby made me relax a little.

The taxi dropped me off safely and I quickly got inside the house. I dialled Namjoon's number and he immediately picked up.

"Just what the hell is going on YN?!"

He screamed into the phone. I jerked at the sudden sound.

"I....uh....saw something.....someone was killed".


"I think it was a gang.....and they saw me".

"Dont move, Im coming over".

Namjoon hung up before I could respond. I heard a click on my door and it opened after the password was typed in.

I wasnt expecting Yuju until next week. Turning around, my face was drained of blood when the person standing before me was not Yuju.



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