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"Ah my good old friend Namjoon!" Taehyung screamed into the phone, causing Namjoon to slightly move his head away from the phone.

"Tell me how have you been! I missed you so much". He continued to speak.

"In as much as I would very much like to have this chat, Im pressed for time."

"What gives?" Taehyung asks a slightly confused by the lack reciprocity in Namjoon's voice.

"I will tell you all about it once its over, for now I need your resources".

"Anything for you".

Namjoon gave a list of what he needed and Taehyung immediately could take a guess at a possible situation Namjoon was faced with......he was once part of a drug cartel but managed to escape. His ordeal was not easy but he survived. He had lived on the Solomon islands for a few years before relocating to northern part of Australia. None of his homes have been permanent since, he has to move every few years to be one step ahead of his former cartel.

"And Hoseok?" Taehyung asked carefully. Hoping not to hear the worst.

"He is in the hospital....injured."

"Well at least he is not dead". Taehyung spoke and pressed his lips. "I will mail it all to you".

"No, you house is already tapped....address....everything."

"Im flying back to Korea then".

"Tae, you have been on the run forever, you cant do this."

"I can for a friend". Taehyug smiled even though he knew Namjoon could not see.

"Give me 24 hours, I will call you on a private number". Taehyung cut the call.


Hoseok woke up to a loud thud of thunder. It was a rainy night and the room was bloody cold. He got up out of boredom and lack of sleep to drink some water. He looked around the room and turned on the monitor on the wall.
He could see the nurses at the reception dozing off and had a little smile on his head.

"At least they have decent jobs". His laughed a little while his eyes remained fixed on the monitor.

His smile dropped when he saw two masked men enter the reception area. One man pointed a gun to the nurses and showed them a picture. The nurses were afraid but could not scream. They frantically searched their cubicles for the spare keys to patients rooms.

Hoseok knew right away what he had to do. With a bandage still around his head, he had no time to anything else but escape. He quickly rid of his hospital clothes and hoped into a pair of jeans with a black shirt and black leather jacket. He winced in pain as he forced a black cap onto his throbbing head.

He grabbed his meds, a small bag that Namjoon had already packed for him and headed to the window. He looked down and fortunately, he was on the third floor not to high up.

He unraveled the rope Namjoon had left him and secured it to the pillar in the centre of the room. Throwing the rope out the window down to ground level, he took a deep breath as he wore his leather gloves and prepared to leave the room.

He heard screams in the hallway as patients rooms were badged into by the two men just a few blocks away from his room. "Sir, please dont do this....they are patients!" The nurses cried even though they knew they were beyond helpless.

The men had caused considerable uproar in the whole hospital wing but the nurses couldnt alarm security for fear of their lives and for that of their patients.

Hoseok carefully but quickly jumped out the window while holding on tightly to the rope. He traced his way down the wall, making sure to avoid the windows below him.

He safely made it to the ground and ran into the nearby collection of trees. He ran through the little bush but he stopped suddenly. His vision suddenly blurry and a throbbing headache ensuing. He didnt take his meds and didnt have the time.

Wishing he didnt have to use the flashlight which might draw attention to him, he pulled it out of the bag and lit it up to help him see. A few more yards and he will hail a cab. He walked carefully, hoping not to bump into anything.

Finally reaching the other side of the bush, he quickly turned off his flashlight and looked around for a convenient store. His headache was killing him, he hoped he would make it before he couldnt see a thing. His vision was already starting to double.

He reached a nearby convenient store and saw a few cabs packed out side. He looked around to check if anyone had followed him up to this point but with the vision he had, he couldnt make out any figures.

He got into one of the cabs and handed over a piece of paper to the driver. "Take me to that address". He spoke as he tried to hold in his pain. He driver complied and began to drive.

Hoseok got to the door and tried to tyoe in the password Namjoon had written for him but his vision defeated him. He took in a deep breath and tried for the fifth time, shaky hands as the pain began to overwhelm him. He finally heard a click and the door opened. He stumbled inside, taking off his cap and shutting the door behind him.

He fiddled with his bag to pull out the meds and took them desperately without water. He walked cautiously to the nearby couch that he could only make out slightly and fell into it before drifting to sleep.



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