Chapter Six

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About Thre hours past, we all had caught up, Brandy and Courteny got to know everyone better. Zoey fell in love with Michael and DJ. Glamour Of The Kill had just showed up twenty minutes ago, so DJ was running around with a few of them. JJ, Zoey, Brandy, Courtney and I sat at the merch table and kept talking.

"Nerves?" JJ asked.

I shook my head yea.

"Dont be." Brandy told me.

"Says you. Your gunna be up Vincents ass once they get here. Promise." I told her.

She looked at me funny, "Vincent?"

I nodded my head yes.

I looked at Courtney and she was zoned in on JJ messing with drum sticks he was suppose to be saling.

I slapped the table and got her attention.

"What?" She said looking at me clueless.

"Your gunna be like her, expect Vincent is actualyl entertainting and makes it less obvious your zoned out and on him." I laughed.

Courtney glared at us and we just laughed at her.

JJ kept trying to teach Zoey how to play a normal beat. She was failing horribley, but was trying really hard for a three year old.

"Sound check." Michael called for DJ from the stage.

"You wanna come help me?" JJ asked her.

She nodded her head and followed JJ up to the stage.

"Aww." Courtney said watching them.

I shook my head and yawned.

"What?" Brandy asked?

"I dont know. Im excited, but nerves. Its werid.' I said shaking my head.

Brandy laughed and nudged me, "You'll be fine."

DJ walked up to the merch table before he went to the stage.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

He looked at the door and stepped next to me.

"Their here. Just letting you know." He told me.

My eyes got wide.

"You gunna be okay? I'll sit with you and skip sound check." He said serious.

I shook my head no, "Go do soundcheck, I'll be fine."

DJ hugged, "I LOVE YOU!"

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "Love you too."

Sure enough, Vincent popped his head in and looked around. He spotted me and his eyes got wide, then ran over there.

"I remember you! You were the party girl." He laughed.

I shook my head, "Yea, then."

Vincent smiled, "Whose your friends?"

"Courtney. Brandy." I said pointing to each of them.

Brandys eyes lit up.

"Hellooo." Vincent said sitting on the stool next to her.

I rolled my eyes again and laughed with Courtney.

"Cyndy! Were going back stage get more practice in!" JJ yelled at me from the stage.

I waved him on and he disapired backstage with Zoey.

"Man, how come I havent seen you at a show or nothing? We've played the states since then." Vincent said looking at me.

I shurgged my shoulders.

"I know someone you'd love to see." He said jumping up.

I looked at Brandy scared.

I covered my face and took a deep breath.

Seconds later, Vincent came back in the venue with Alex. Vincent and him started talking and pointing me out. Alex had a stunned look on his face that changed into a smirk.

I looked at Brandy and Courtney.

They just smiled.

"Long time no see." Alex said sitting next to me.

I glared at my friends, then looked at Alex, "Yea, I know."

"Whys that? I didnt scare you off did I?" He laughed.

I shook my head no, "I've, had my hands full."

"I've actually thought about you alot." He admited.

I looked at him funny, "Why?"

"I dont know. We connected. I had hoped to see you at another show, but never found you." He told me.

I glared.

I felt Brandy nudge me.

I turned and looked at her and she pointed toward the stage.

Zoey was running toward me with JJ behind her.

"Mommy! Mommy! Guess what Uncle JJ said!" She said running into my leg.

I looked at Alex, then picked her up, "What did he say?"

"He said I could be up on stage with him tonight! Michael approved!" She said excited.

I looked at JJ and he smiled.

"I guess you can." I told her smiling at her.

She hugged me then looked at Alex. She didnt say anything just looked at him hard.

I looked at him and his eyes got wide just stairing at her, shocked.

JJ loooked at me and took Zoey, "Come on, lets go get ready."

"Mommy!" She yelled for me.

"Go with Josh." I said running my hand threw my hair.

Zoey willing went with JJ and I looked at Alex.

"Is she yours?" Alex asked.

I nodded my head.

He took a deep breath, "How old is she?"

I looked down at the ground, "Almost four."

Alexs face got pale.

I just looked at him and waited.

"Is shee?...mine?" He asked.

I nodded my head yes.

Alex ran his hand over his head and looked at the stage.

"Why did you tell me?" He said looking back at me.

I sighed, "Its a long story."

"No. I wanna know. Everything." He said serious.

I shurgged my shoulders, "Okay."

"Come on." He said grabbing my hand.

"I'll be back." I told Brandy and Courtney.

Then I noticed Courtney was gone. I assmued she went with JJ and Zoey.

Brandy was like I said, zoned into Vincent.

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