Chapter Twenty Four

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*Cyndy's point of view.*

That next day, we all thought going to the lake would relax the shit we been threw. So we pilled in my car. Legit pilled. Alex, JJ, Vincent, and Nick were all gathered in the back, along with Courtney. We had our food and drinks in the floor under Candace and Zoey's feet, since they couldnt tough the ground. Lizzy sat with them, and Brandy claimed the front. We were headed up to Livingston to Dale Hallow.

As soon as we got to the lake, the boys went nuts. I mean, I popped the back and the ran out like wild animales and went head first into the water.

"I swear." I said shaking my head as I carried Zoey to the play ground.

"But mommy! I want to swim!" Zoey said whinning.

I shook my head, "Play here first. Let Daddy and they guys get their crazyness out first, then we will all go in the lake."

Zoey crossed he arms and stomped to the stairs on the playground.

Candace ran after her from the picnic table, "Wait Zoee!!"

I sat at the table and watched the guys throw each other.

Brandy got the grill ready.

"Im glad things are back to normal." I said with a laugh.

Lizzy snatched my hand, "Speaking of back to normal, thanks for telling me this happened last night."

I smiled, "I forgot. I was caught up in the moment."

Lizzy shook her head and smiled as Nick came running up to the table, shaking his head.

"What on earth are you doing?" Lizzy said looking at him laughing.

He grabbed her hand and went running into the water.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Candace said running after them.

Nick flung Lizzy in and caught Candace right as she ran into the water, then fell back into the water with her up in the air. It was one of the cutest things ever.

JJ came out of the water and sat on Courtneys lap getting her all wet.

"Your an ass." Courteny laughed at him.

He smiled, "Ready to go swiming?"

Courtney shook her head, "I have to help cook."

"No you dont. I got it." Vincent siad walking up and wrapping his arms around Brandy.

"Are you sure?" Brandy and COurtney both said looking at Vincent like he was gunna set the place on fire.

"I can cook. Asked Cyndy and Alex." Vincent said pointing at me, then Alex who just joined us.

"Yea, I made him cook all the time when he stayed with me." Alex laughed standing next to me.

Vincent smiled, "Now you guys swim. I got this."

I got up and hugged him.

"Zoey!" Alex called out for her.

She ran from the play ground and straight to him.

I coudlnt help but smile at how cute they were.

"Happy thing ended like they did?" Brandy asked me as we made our way to the water.

I nodded my head, "Oh yea. I had no idea I would wind up with Alex. Let along anyone else."

"You can say you and Alex brought us all together." JJ said.

I looked at him funny, "Why you say that?"

"If you didnt bring Courtney and Brnady with you, Brandy wouldnt have met Vincent. If Alex wasnt on the tour with us, Vincent wouldnt have met her. You and Alex would have never talked things out. I wouldnt have gotten to know Courtney if you and Alex didnt talk things out." He explained.

I looked at Lizzy and Nick in the water, then back at him, "Explain those two."

JJ shook his head, "They dont count."

I laughed.

Alex ran into the water with Zoey in his arms and tossed her in the air, catching her just before she toughed the water.

I grabbed Brandy and we both went under at the same time.

JJ flung Courtney in.

"Cyndyyy!!!" Lizzy said attacking me as soon as I came back up.

I couldnt help but laugh. I was finally starting to have fun.

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