3. Demon Limbs

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I wake up struggling to remember where I am and what's going on. Memory loss is such an issue now.

I sit up, wheezing at the sudden sharp pain that shoots through my chest. My scarred hand clutches my chest as I struggle to catch my breath. My chest feels like it's on fire as I struggle to get out of the vegetation and snow that I've some how gotten caught in.

I feel warm liquid soak my hand as I fully manage to sit up. I wheeze looking around the dark area. The pain in my chest doesn't let up and it feels like my ribs are broken.

My eyes eventually adjust to the lack of light and I remove my hand looking down at my chest to see what the issue is. My shirt is ripped up, there's not much of a shirt left in all reality, and my skin is almost as torn as the shirt it continues to ooze the warm substance I now come to realize is blood. My side has a bruise that's yellow and green that's around the size of a foot.

I look up quickly at the sound of footsteps crunching on the snow, quickly regretting it as the area around my eye begins to throb painfully and I notice how swollen it is.

I watch as someone walks by. Someone familiar. But who? Who is even familiar I don't know anyone. Oh my god he's walking away hurry and remember. Who could it be, who could it possibly be that I know. C'mon I wake up in a ditch with no memory and see someone that I kind of know and i can't even remember them! Who could it be who could that possibly be!? The only thing that stands out about him is his hair, his obviously faded white stripe in his hair.

I freeze racking my brain just trying to remember the name or at least a syllable. And he's almost gone when I finally do remember a little something.

"J... Ja."

He freezes, stopping as the now falling snow begins to collect in his hair.

"Ja... Ja... Ja-ck."

He slowly turns around his body illuminated by the street light over head. I try my best to sit up a little more but fail and cry out in pain as something pops sending pure pain and agony through my body. My back hits the snow again and I stare up at the stars, hearing footsteps at my side.

Who's footsteps are they?

Whoever it is kneels beside me and grabs my blue and purple hand out of the snow, god their hands are warm.

"A... Alex?"

Wait I recognize that voice. It's Jack. I knew he was there, right?

The muscles in my chest suddenly tighten and I cry out again as the pain becomes nearly unbearable. Spots cloud my vision but I can still see. I can still see the street light I'm still conscious... I think.

"Perfect," I hear him hum.

All I hear is the obnoxiously loud ringing in my ears and his voice that's just not quite drown out by the ring. My body is completely numb except for the fact that I can feel the freezing metal table against my back. Shouldn't it have gotten warm from me laying on it?

"Finally, you're awake."

"Alex- Alex stop, please."

I didn't even realize my eyes had gone out of focus until I snap out of it and am left staring back at the streetlight.

I hear Jack whimper and my eyes dart to his face and then down to his hands. But his hand is... Bleeding.

My nails are dig into his fragile skin and his blood fills the space underneath my nails. I loosen my grip let my hand drop back into the snow, his blood dripping down into the white snow staining it one drop at a time.

I watch his hand shake violently making more of the red substance drop into the snow.

"I'm... I'm So... So... Sorr."

"Hey," he says, smiling lightly and running his clean hand through my hair. "It's okay."

"I nee... I need T... To leave," my voice burns my throat as I try to speak.

I try to sit up wheezing and trying to keep my breath steady.

"No... No you don't need to go anywhere, you can come with me and I can get you fixed up," Jack says softly.


After excessive amounts of struggle, screaming in pain and dropping into the snow we make it back to the apartment.

I struggle up the stairs, desperately trying to remember who else the apartment was shared with. Was it even shared with anyone?

"Okay it's late you gotta be quiet," Jack whispers, keeping his hand on my back to lead me into the place.

We walk- I stumble farther into the apartment and Jack nearly screams when a blue haired boy appears- who actually screams and drops his glass on the ground sending water and shards of glass everywhere.

"What the fuck!" The boy yells, kinda obviously terrified.

"Awsten shut up!" Jack snaps back in a whisper.

"What the fuck!" The boy yells again.

"Shut up!"

I wince at the sudden volume in his voice and Jack looks at me apologetically.

"Here come here." Jack motions for the blue haired boy to follow him. Where are we going?

I look down and see the grotesque injuries and feel a sharp pain go throughout my body.

Everything seems to go slow.

"Alex...? Alex!"

I snap out of whatever daze I fell into and slowly look at Jack.

"We're going to help you, alright?"

I slowly nod, trying to remember what I need help with again. "O-kay."

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