5. Are You Ten Years Ago?

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I feel a scream escape my lungs as the underside of a boot collides with my side.

"HOW DARE YOU TRY AND GO BACK TO HIM AFTER ALL I'VE DONE FOR YOU, YOU UNGRATEFUL C-," a familiar yet unrecognizable voice screams in anger spitting in my face. I look away from the cruel face to the dirty ground where l
blood stains are like decorations.

"STOP. Just- stop," my voice shakes as I attempt to pull myself off of the ground, feeling my ribs burn in protest.

As I make it to a sitting up position I feel a rough grasp on my lower jaw forcing me to look at the man I don't even seem to recognize. I have a feeling this happens a lot though judging by the bruises.

"You will never tell me what to do, do you get that?" He growls.

I nod slowly, feeling my jaw begin to ache more and more from his grasp.

He suddenly smiles sweetly, releasing his grip and visibly relaxing.

His voice is almost magically back at the sweet tone that I trust with my life as he speaks again. "Now what would you like to eat?"


"Alex... Hey, Alex..."

I feel a light tapping on my shoulder as my eyes flutter open. As I realize what's going on I immediately shrink back and wince. Oh god I must've over slept, oh god he's going to yell and scream and kick.

"Alex... Are you okay?"

My eyes snap open to be met with Jack's comforting dark iris'.

"Ye.. Yeah, I'm... Fine," I say quietly, forgetting what had got me so worked up.

"Okay," He says sitting on the edge of the bed by me. How did I get here? "So listen. I have to go for an hour or two and then I'll be back. But in the mean time I'm going to need you to stay in here and not go out, okay?"

I nod. "Ok-ay... J- J- Jack."

He smiles sweetly, which makes me sick, but why? He stands up and waves at me before disappearing out of the room, leaving me alone again.

A short amount of time passed before I begin to grow bored with just sitting in the single room. My mind wanders and before I know it I can only remember fractions of what Jack had said before he left.

I quickly decide that whatever it was mustn't have been to terribly important and get up and slowly pull the door to the bedroom I'm in, peeking down the hall.

I slowly walk out out of the room and down the hall until I find myself standing in a small living space.

A sudden loud sound that almost sounds like yelling sounds from behind me, earning a small scream from myself. I turn around quickly to see the- the- what was it called? The- The dog! The dog standing behind me with his tail tucked between his back legs as he trembles and growls. I slowly lean down to try and pat his head because he's doing a good job of alerting me that she is there. But I'm only met to him almost clamping his drooling and foaming jaws on my hand. I blink a couple times in surprise drawing my hand away.

"S- Sorry," I apologize, as the dog continues to growl and tremble.

I turn my attention back to the room in front of me. There's a big bookcase with all kinds of things lined on it and that quickly catches my attention.

I make my way over to it, examining all the things that are carefully placed on it.

There's lots of small picture frames lined up and I stare at them in fascination. I recognize the people in them- it's just like their spot in my memory was specifically taken out. I'm sure I'll remember them soon though. Jack will help me remember, I'm sure of it.

I look at more pictures and I think I even see myself in some of them. I wish- I wish I looked that nice still. I look- No, I am a monster now. Just... a monster.

I sigh, feeling a few memories begin to shine through cracks in my mind at the neatly lined pictures.

I sorta remember going to the theme park with Jack.

Hey, I'm trying and kinda remembering petting the stingrays at the aquarium with him too.

I half smile to myself as I remember the ever so smallest things. Baby steps though, Alex, remember that- or at least try.


A/N I'm sorry for not updating for so long but finally we're getting back to writing. Hopefully we'll update chapters at a nice pace now. prettyinwentz writes all of Alex's chapters while I write Jack's.

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