4. Another You

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Too much is going on right now...way too much.

He's here, he's alive. His entire body weight relies on my balance and strength while I guide him back to my room...our room.

There's way too much to take in.

But it's real. The shards of glass that cut my foot proves it. Awsten sees him too.

"Jack, how is he here! He's dea..."
Awstens sentence stops short, getting cut off by Alex's very own broken and shaking voice.

"Ja-ck whe-re are we?" He's been acting strange this whole time he doesn't even know that he's at home.
None of the questions swirling through my head matter all that matters is that he's here.

"Wha-t is th-at?"
He stares straight at Olivia with a trace of fear in his eyes.

How is he not dead? He's practically human chopped liver.

I ignore his question, "you're going to be okay."

"You'll be okay."

What happened to him? He won't die on me.
Everything snapped back into reality he already did die on me.

What is happening. I'm giving a monster my help.

We make it to my decently small room and we stumble over each other's feet until we reach the bed where I lay him down. When he hits the mattress it creeks from the impact.
I didn't really set him down it's more like he fell.

Blood seeps through his shirt onto the sheets. "How is he alive?!" Awsten yells as quietly as possible.

"I don't kn..."

My statement is interrupted when Alex grabs my arm. The entire room freezes.

Awsten and I don't even breathe.
Can he breathe?

"Don-t ye-l-l." His voice is so stuttered and so off but it's his voice, "d-on't b-e ma-d."

"Don't be mad at what?"


"Why would I be mad at you?"

"I d-don't re-me-member."

What was I thinking this is Alex he's here. My best friend is here.

"I'm not mad." I kneel down next to the bed and put my hand to his forehead.
He's burning up. "You'll be okay."

No one can know about this, he would be taken away and experimented on. He's fine right here without being poked and prodded.

I look over to Awsten who is still in shock. "Please don't say a word about this."

His eyes tell me everything I need to know, I'll trust him, I have no other choice. He simply nods and leaves the room.

All of this is so strange. But I don't mind, he's back my sweetheart is back.

"Where were you Alex?"

"I d-don't r-rem-em-ber."

Tears cascade down my face I didn't even realize they had ever left my tear ducts.

What am I going to do?

I slowly attempt to take off Alex's destroyed shirt so I can examine his wounds. They don't seem like little cuts. Once I touch his shirt he viciously grabs my arm for the second time.

"Calm down, I'm not trying to hurt you, you want some clean clothes right?"
I don't even know how I'm managing to stay calm. He doesn't unleash his grasp his stare seems like it could burn right into my skull.

"Do-n't lo-ok at m-e like t-this."
"I'm d-disgusting."

Too many thoughts to be thought about this situation.
So I won't think. I couldn't think rational thoughts if I tried.

"I don't care what you look like, Alex."
"You're alive."

"No d-don't look."
He pleads I see the sadness in his once lifeless eyes.
I stick my hands up and turn around. "Okay can you clean yourself up in the bathroom and dress yourself then?" I toss him a pair of sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt,
"I won't look."

I listen to the sounds of the ruffling sheets and the water running. At least he has some sort of ability to take care of himself.

The sound of footsteps walk back out onto the hardwood

"Y-you c-can l-look now."

I take a deep breath and turn around examining him. He still has blood smeared all over his face and neck, I suppose I'll have to clean that when he trusts me enough, hopefully by tomorrow.

Itty bitty spots of blood continue to stain the shirt I gave him, which means he should stop bleeding any moment now.

I sigh in defeat letting my shoulders fall forward. "Alex are you tired?"

He hesitates before nodding slowly.

"All right come here." I step forward and he flinched away quickly before relaxing and allowing me to gently grab his arm.

I slowly lead him to the bed, allowing him to lay down much more gently this time. I pull the thin sheet and blanket over him as his blackened, tired eyes watch me carefully.

"Good night, Alex," I say softly, standing up straight and smiling lightly.

He attempts to return the smile and despite it being a lopsided, sloppy smile, he manages it. "Goo... Goo... Good... Night... Ja-ck."

I flick the light off and walk out of the room shutting the door behind me. Honestly at this point I'm just ready to go outside and scream until my thoughts get in order. But sadly, I'm not going to do that.

I walk out into th living room where Awsten is nowhere to be found. He must of up and left to go home for the night.

I fall back into the couch, rubbing my eyes with the heels of my hands.

What the actual fuck.

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