TWO - Delivery

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The Guardians of the Galaxy were silent even as Thor left their ship and climbed onto Scorpio's back. As soon as Thor had settled, Scorpio fastened his protective aura around the god, himself, and Estella, taking off immediately.

"Scorpion of Stars... What was the errand I must run in return for this ride?" Thor asked as they zoomed along.

A message for a man by the name of Steve Rogers... and a possible delivery.


My young companion, Estella.

It was only then that Thor noticed the small shape of Estella's body, curled up by Scorpio's neck. Reaching forward, he gingerly picked her up and cradled her in his arms. Brushing away her hair from her forehead, he studied her face.

"She is but a mortal child!"

I am aware of that.

"Is she orphaned?"


"What of her family?"

They do not know of her current location.

"This is not right, then."

Her heart told me she needed a break. So, I gave her one. I told her she could be my companion.

"But now you want to give her away."

Specifically, I want to get her to safety.

I sense great darkness coming... One even an army of immortals cannot hope to defeat on their own. Only time can tell if she and the other one would lead to any potential success...

But right now, all I ask of you is to keep her safe.

"Ah... Keeping her with me, though... that may not be the best-"

Suddenly, a low growl pierced the ominous stillness of space, followed by a second, then a third, like a wolf's howl.


Scorpio slowed down, seeing there was no way out without crashing into the offenders and throwing his passengers overboard. Lightning sparked through Thor's shoulders, though Estella remained asleep in his arms.

The great, scaly alien-dragon creatures seemed to laugh as they neared the trio, knowing their catch was trapped and easy to dispatch.

Or so it seemed.

Scorpio levelled his barbed tail to the Chitauri in front of him, one claw nursing a crimson ball of energy. Thor made to set down Estella and prepare to fight, but Scorpio stopped him by pressing a claw into Thor's back.

I want you to get Estella to safety.

"I can fight. I may not have Mjolnir, but I am the god of Thunder, and lightning is my command-"

No. I need you to get Estella to Midgard. I will lead the Chitauri away, send them home.

Thor opened his mouth to object, but an unspoken plead behind Scorpio's voice that made him stop and pick up the sleeping child instead.

"I shall see you again sometime on Midgard, Scorpion of Stars."

Scorpio acknowledged him with a nod of his massive head, then snapped his claws, sending his former passengers flying en route to Earth. He then turned to the laughing Chitauri and smirked slightly.

Shall we play a game?

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