My Little Pet

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I found this looking for NateWantsToBattle and MatPat pics. WHO MADE THIS AND HOW DID I NOT SEE IT BEFORE? Also, I am finally putting in Mangled cuz it goes with the chapter.

 WHO MADE THIS AND HOW DID I NOT SEE IT BEFORE? Also, I am finally putting in Mangled cuz it goes with the chapter

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"Hey, can you go get some groceries? We're running low on food." Nate called with his head in the fridge. I was on my laptop, editing a video.

"Sure. If you mind me taking your car!" I smiled. Nate was very protective of his car.

"Yeah, just don't mess it up." He tossed me the keys. I closed my laptop and grabbed my wallet. "I'll be back." I kissed Nate on the cheek as he was making lunch.

I walked to the car and slid into the driver's seat. I drove to the nearest farmer's market and parked the car. I walked in, and Nate sent me a short list of what I needed to get. I walked around the store, stopping by to say hi to some fans, and went up to the check out line.

I paid for the supplies and put them in the backseat of the car.

Unknown POV

I watched my target put her groceries into the backseat of the car and walk around to get in. I quickly jogged over and ducked behind the car so I wouldn't be seen. I put my hand over her mouth as she let out a muffled scream. I hit her over the head and her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she slumped against me. "I told you I would find you," I whispered into her ear. A white van drove up behind me and I loaded her into the van and jumped in. I slammed the side twice before closing the door. We drove away, our target in my grasp. I chuckled to myself. 

"Hey, uh, boss."

"What!" I whipped my head to the driver.

"You sure this is good? I mean, she seems like a nice lady and all..."

"Of course it is! I control you! You work for me! You do as I say!" I snapped. I softly chuckled to myself as I stroked the woman's hair. "We've got her. Finally, I've got her."

Nate's POV

Y/N still hasn't come home from grocery shopping. I opened my phone and texted her.

N: Hey baby, where are you? She texted back shortly,

Y/N: Oh just running into some traffic.

N: Okay, I'll see you tonight! Love Ya!

Y/N: Love ya too babes! 😘

Y/N didn't usually text with emojis. I shrugged and finished setting up lunch. After I set it on the table, I sat down and waited for Y/N to come home. I checked my watch, 2:30. Y/N had left around 1:00. I finished lunch at 1:45. Where was she? I decided to call her. After a few seconds, I got to her voicemail.

"Hey Y/N, it's me, Nate. Just wondering where you were because you left at one and it's now a quarter to three. Call me when you get this. Love you. Bye." I hung up. Something couldn't have happened, could it?

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