May Your Spirit Rest

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Nate POV

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Nate POV

I scrambled over to the figure and turned them to face me. "Y/N? Y/N is that you? Y/N answer me!" I cried. I tried tugging the ropes and pulled out a pocket knife. The figure stayed silent. When the ropes were cut the person fell to me and I held them bridal style. I choked back a sob. "Y/N, please.... Wake up!" I gave a light shake. No response. "Y/N? It's me! Nate! I'm taking you home!" I sobbed. 

"Please don't leave me. I need you! I came all this way to find you! Don't go!" I couldn't hold back my tears as I sobbed into the lifeless body of my girlfriend. I sat there and sobbed. The whole house was quiet like everyone was pitying me."WHY MATTHEW!" I screamed at the stairs. I looked down at Y/N again.

"May the Valkyries welcome you and lead you through Odin's great battlefield...... May they sing your name with love and fury so that we might hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla and know that you've taken your rightful place at the table of kings..... For a great woman has fallen: A fighter. A friend. A lover." I sobbed the ancient words that were used in HTTYD, one show that Y/N loved (DEAL! IT'S MY FAV SO DEAL!) I remember the time we joked around about this.


"Hey, Nate!" Y/N giggled next to me. I hummed in response.

"Could you do me a favor?" She asked.

"Sure!" I smiled.

"When I die-" She started.

"Woah! Things got dark!" I joked.

"Well, when I die, can you say the ancient words used at a funeral in HTTYD for me?" She sighed.

"Sure. Just don't die soon, because I don't know the words!" I smiled.

Flashback End.

I spent my free time learning those words, and I didn't think I'd have to use them now. I looked up and saw Mark and Stephanie standing in the stairway. I knew the old man had Matthew covered, and Stephanie knelt down beside me. "I did it for you Y/N. May your spirit rest in peace." I sighed. I set her body down and held her hand. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see her dead body as more tears streamed down my cheeks. I felt something squeeze my hand and I whipped my eyes open.

"Stephanie! I felt her squeeze my hand!" I exclaimed. I put my finger on her jawline. "She has a faint pulse!" I cried. I heard her stir and I gasped. I heard her groan.

"Hey, take it easy Y/N. Take it easy." I soothed. Her eyes squinted open and she smiled. "You came." Her voice rasped. I nodded, tears falling once more. "Of course. You're my fiancé. I'd do it anyday!" 

"You said the words." She smiled. I nodded, chuckling a bit. I pulled her into a gentle hug and felt her wrap her arms around me. "I love you, Nate." I heard. "I love you too!" I sighed. It all seemed so perfect, so happy, so at peace.

"Well, well, well, isn't this nice!" We heard behind us. I separated from our hug and turned to the stairway and growled. Matthew walked over to us, still slow clapping. "All this lovey-dovey hullabaloo makes me sick! I think I'm gonna throw up!" He moaned. I pulled Y/N closer to me.

"You really think some old man could stop me? Ha!" Matthew continued. "I took care of him real quick."

"You monster!" I yelled.

"Thank you, Nate! I really try!" Matthew smiled, his crazed look still in his eyes.

"What do you want!" Stephanie shouted.

"Her! I'll take her back, and you all go back home and never tell anyone about it, and I won't kill everyone!" Matthew smiled at Y/N. 

"Take me! Torture me! Just don't hurt her!" Stephanie stepped forward.

"YOU AREN'T ENOUGH!" Matthew snapped. "Y/N is.... much more behaved than you, Stephanie. I prefer her." Matthew was getting closer. Y/N whimpered and tried to hide behind me. I turned and stood, ready to swing as Matthew came into fist distance, but Matthew dodged it and threw me aside, leaving Y/N in the open.

"Matthew! No!" I cried. He smiled down at her and wrapped his arm around her waist. I saw Y/N cringe and pull out something shiny. Matthew screamed in pain as Y/N plunged the knife into his thigh and ran to me. 

"Oh, you little rat! You're so gonna get it when I'm done with them!" Matthew carefully pulled the knife out.

"Let's go, guys! I can hold him off!" I cried as we made our way to the stairway. Then a click was heard and everyone froze. The click wasn't a normal click, it was special.

"You think I'd let you get away with my prized possession?" Matthew snickered. We slowly turned to him and saw that he had a gun pointed at Nate.

"One step, buh bye!" Matthew cackled. "Send her over, and I might not kill you!" I took a deep breath and looked to Y/N. She nodded and went to step down from the stairway. 

"Good. Glad we could cooperate." Matthew said. Y/N was about halfway there.

"You know. I really liked you, Nate. It's a shame you have to go!" Matthew gave a devilish grin. 


"It's a shame you have to go!" Matthew gave a sinister grin. What does he mean by- My thoughts were interrupted by a loud bang. 


Yes, readers. This is the end of the book. It isn't a broken chapter or one that was edited or unfinished. This is the end, of Surviving My Ex. 

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