2 | She's My Neighbor

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S U M M A R Y 

You've been neighbors with Shaun for a long time. But it took just one talk with a patient to get Shaun to realize that he had feelings for you. Strong feelings.


None = (Y/N)


Shaun silently laid on his mattress, his eyes glued to the ceiling. The dripping of water from the sink satisfied him. But the one thing that was keeping him up and alert was the thought of you. He had a constant worry for you, he never knew why, but he always thought that you were in trouble.

There were always negative thoughts running through Shaun's mind every night. He would always imagine you getting kidnapped and him not being there to save you. The only way that he would be able to get at least a little bit of rest was to check if you were okay.

Shaun sprung up from his mattress and rolled off, climbing to his feet quickly. He rushed his way out his door and went straight across his door to yours. When he reached it, he began to bang his fist on the door. His anxiety increased as you didn't answer within the first thirty seconds.

''(Y/N)!!'' shaun screamed, continuing to bang your door harshly.

The doors within the hallway all swung open, revealing some angered people.

''What the hell man!'' a muscular man complained. ''It's two o'clock in the morning!'' he shouted. ''You don't go slamming on people's doors at two o'clock in the freaking morning!''

Shaun completely ignored his complaint and continued to slam his fist on your door. The door finally swung open and you appeared in front of Shaun with your robe on and messy hair.

''Shaun?'' you asked, yawning after saying his name. ''What are you doing at my door? It's like..'' you turn around to check the time on the stove. ''Two in the morning?'' you ask, turning back to him.

''I thought you have gotten kidnapped.'' he replied, looking at everything but you.

''Shaun.'' you chuckle, leaning against the door. ''If I got kidnapped, I think I would scream loud enough for you to hear.'' you say, smirking. ''Plus,'' you say, removing yourself from leaning against the door. ''You would be strong enough to save me.''

''Are you sure about that?'' he asks. ''I am not very strong.''

You couldn't help but laugh at his response.

''Whatever you say Hercules,'' you tease, patting him on the shoulder with a smile. ''I have to wake up early tomorrow so I'm going to head back to bed, alright?''

''Okay.'' shaun nods.

''I'll see you tomorrow morning?''

''Yes. You will.''

''Goodnight Shaun.'' you say, slowly closing the door.

''Goodnight (Y/N).''

The door soon clicked as it shut in front of his face. He turned around and returned back to his room. His stress decreased profusely as he realized that you were okay. It for sure made him feel good inside.


Shaun's fingers were drumming lightly against the counter as he waited for Claire to return with his patients files. Shaun's patient looked exactly like his brother and it's been messing with his mind the entire day. It was the first day that he's never given you one thought during work.

Claire finally showed up and gave him the files, informing him that his patient was in the recovery room. Shaun thanked Claire and removed himself from behind the counter and headed to the recovery room. When he arrived, the little boy was there with a cast on his arm.

Shaun greeted him and went over to sit next to him. He told him the information and everything he needed to know. As Shaun began to cut open his cast, the little boy sparked up a conversation.

''So, I have this crush at school and I always seem to make a complete fool out of myself in front of her..'' the little boy began.

Shaun started to listen to his story, telling him how he broke his arm in the first place. His story came to an end and Shaun was now looking at arm carefully, trying not to hurt it. It was silent for a while until the little boy began to speak again.

''Do you have a crush on anyone Doctor Murphy?'' he asks curiously.

''I do not know.'' shaun simply replied, pulling out the x-rays of the little boy's broken arm.

''Are you married?''




''Do you have someone you talk with a lot?''

''Yes. Her name is (Y/N). She is very sweet to me.'' shaun pointed out. ''She is also very pretty.''

''Oooh,'' he teases with a smile growing on his face. ''I think you've found your crush Doctor Murphy.''

''She is not my crush.'' he replied bluntly. ''She is my next door neighbor.''

''Doctor Murphy,'' chuckled the little boy. ''I'm saying that you have a crush on your next door neighbor.''

Melendez entered the room before Shaun replied. Melendez told Shaun to leave so he could take over. Shaun stood up and stared down at the little boy. He was looking up at him with a grin.

''Do me a favor Doctor Murphy,'' he said. ''ask (Y/N) out on a date?''

''And why would I do that?'' he asks, tilting his head to the side slightly.

''Because you like her, don't you?''

Shaun paused and just blankly stared at him.

''Shaun,'' melendez called out. ''Please leave, I can take it from here.''

''Don't forget!'' the little boy shouted as shaun made his way out the door. ''Make sure to ask her out!!''

And those were the last words that went through Shaun's ears before the door got shut behind him. He didn't even notice that he was smiling until Claire saw him and told him that he had a very nice smile. Shaun didn't know what was going on, but the little boy opened his eyes. He opened them and made him realize that he really did like you. He liked you a lot.

The End


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