10 | Childhood Best Friends

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Hello my fellow readers! I'm sorry for the little interruption but I am just here to spread my thanks to all of you guys. This is my 10th imagine and I know it's not much, but oh my goodness! It's my 10th imagine and my book is already at 4K reads!! That's absolutely mind blowing for me. You guys have given me so much love and support and I really do appreciate it. I keep getting notifications that this book has been added to someone's library and that makes me even more happy. You guys are awesome! Love you guys ♥  

Also, this imagine is going to be set at the time of where Steve is still alive. So it's going to be Young Reader x Young Shaun.


You've been living with Shaun and Steve for a long time, and through time, you started to develop feelings for Shaun. But you didn't want your feelings for Shaun to grow bigger because after all, the three of you were best friends, and you didn't want to ruin that.


None = (Y/N)


"Stand behind me." you tell shaun as the laughing kids gathered around you, ready to attack shaun once again.

''It's five to one (Y/N),'' the blonde haired boy said, taking a step closer towards you. ''it's obvious who would win the fight.''

''Touch him again, and you'll regret it.'' you threatened, narrowing your eyes at the group of boys who were slowly walking towards you and shaun.

''Oh, like some little girl is going to scare us.'' another boy snorted, grinning in amusement.

Shaun was frantically fiddling with his hands, his breath quickening and his eyes swerving from side to side. His anxiety was picking up and he wasn't ready for another fight to break out in front of him. You knew exactly what Shaun was thinking just taking one quick glance at him. You've been in fights before in front of Shaun and you knew it never made him very happy. You knew what you had to do, and that was to just walk away.

You were very resistance, but as much as you wanted to fight the kids who hurt Shaun, you didn't want him to see anymore unhappy than he already was. You took a deep breath and just turned around, patting Shaun on the back and whispering to him to follow you. Shaun nodded slowly and turned the way you were facing and began to walk with you.

''So you're just going to walk off like a couple of chickens?!'' the boy shouted, his voice filled with anger.

You didn't reply and you leaned in towards Shaun, telling him not to say anything either. Shaun stayed silent and continued to walk with you, his hands clasped together and his eyes watching where he was walking. As you continued to walk, you didn't hear another word from the group of boys, giving you a thought maybe that they left.

You turn around and saw that they were walking the opposite direction, talking among themselves. You let out a relieved sigh and turned back around, continuing to walk with Shaun.

''They won't hurt you ever again Shaun,'' you huffed. ''not as long as I'm here.''

Shaun looked over at you and his face lit up immediately, causing you to smile at him. Shaun was adorable and you really liked him, but you feared that he didn't like you back. You've been best friends with Shaun for a long time and you've also been best friends with Steve as well. Steve was a sweet boy and you two got along very well together. As much as you liked Shaun, you were scared if you told him how you felt, it would destroy your friendship with him and that wouldn't make you very happy.

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