11 | The Panic Attack

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Panic attacks is something common when it came to you. You've had them several times before, but it usually happens when you're alone. But when you have a panic attack during surgery, you run out of the room with the your anxiety building up. Luckily, Shaun, who dearly cares for you, goes and tries to find you. He soon finds you and comforts you, letting you know that everything was going to be okay.


None = (Y/N)


You shut your diary, releasing a heavy sigh of sadness. As cheesy as it was, you owned a diary of which you wrote in every single day. There were bunches of pages that were filled with memories you wished that you never forget. And there were pages filled with memories you wish you could forget. And the page that you recently finished, was one of them. You killed a patient recently, and it's been extremely difficult for you to cope with it.

The only person that you've told the incident about was Doctor Glassman. He was like a father to you and he was the man you could always trust. Doctor Glassman told you that it wasn't your fault that your patient died, it was their own fault. They didn't take the medications that you gave them, and during the surgery, something burst and you tried to patch it up, but at the end, it was too late.

Doctor Glassman has told you constantly not to beat yourself up for the incident, but you couldn't help it. You wanted to tell Shaun about the incident, but you didn't want to at the same time. You've been holding back your pain whenever you were around Shaun because you knew that he hated seeing you sad. You had a fake smile on your face and you acted like everything was going a-okay.

It's been a few days and you haven't shown up to work, and that caused Shaun to be worried sick about you. But today was the day that you were returning, and you felt sort of put back together, but not fully. You just hoped that you didn't have to go through another surgery like that ever again. You entered the hallway filled with your co-workers and gave everybody a kind smile as they passed you.

When you made it to the counter to check in, you hear your name get called out. You turn your head to the side and saw that Shaun was approaching you rather excited, as if he had some exciting news to tell you.

''Where have you been for the past few days? I'm glad you are okay. But why were you gone for the past few days?'' shaun asked, reaching you and standing in his usual posture.

''I've just been feeling..Sick.'' you reply, shrugging.

''Did you have the flu? Are you still feeling sick? I have some medication if you are still feeling sick,'' shaun continued to ramble on, but you cut him off, assuring him that you were okay and that you were going to be okay.

But as those words escaped your lips, you didn't feel okay. You still felt sick to your stomach about the surgery. It happened a few days ago, but it still caused you to become depressed whenever you thought of it. You let out another heavy sigh and turned around, walking away from Shaun.

''Well, we all missed you (Y/N).'' shaun called out. ''I missed you the most.''

You didn't want to face Shaun because you were tearing up. You didn't want Shaun to see you cry because he's never seen you cry. All you did was throw your arm up in the air, giving him a thumbs up. You had your eyes glued to the ground as you continued to walk. It wasn't long until you saw a tear drop to the ground. You suddenly bumped into someone, causing you to stumble backwards, but the hand caught your wrist before you fell all the way.

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