Seeing Red

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Chapter Eleven

Seeing Red

Word count: 200

Loud noises came out of the vehicon's rec room. After Knock Out pushed me out of the med bay, I thought it would be a good idea to get some much needed energon into my tanks.

Nearing the door, it opened and showed me the full room. Vehicon's of different platoons sat together and spoke to each other. Each one, trying to over tune the next one.

Upon my arrival, some looked my way. Ignoring them I made my way over to one of the energon dispensers, and filled me a cube.

"S1R11! Haven't seen you in a while!" Turning around to look at the speaking con, he grinned.
"Still sitting with that pile of scrap in the med-bay? I don't understand why Knock Out still has him there.." S3T4N, then got a evil smile on his face plates.
My servos already curled angrily around the cube of energon. A growl slowly forming it's way out of my voice box.

"Or maybe did you gave yourself to him, so he helps little, old SL4D3?"
That was it. I threw the cube down, and lunged at S3T4N.
"Don't speak like that about me and never about SL4D3!"

I was seeing red.

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