~Part 3~

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Friday, July 4th, 2014, 12pm, Valentina's House

Valentina's POV

~I wake up to my alarm set to 12 in the afternoon so I won't sleep through most of the day automatically remembering the dream I had last night. I always remember my dreams but this one flashed in my head as soon as I woke up. I take a couple minutes to replay everything that happened in my mind with my eyes closed. Lau's soft kisses on my hand & neck felt so real, so good. His whole body hovering on top of mine. He made me feel paralyzed. It felt like I was screaming at the top of my lungs on the inside. It was pretty intense. I snap out of my flashback of the dream & finally decide to open my eyes & step back into reality. I doubt that would really happen today. I'm just excited to know that they're already here in Detroit & will indeed be at a club downtown tonight. The only thing I'm worried about is that Sal won't be able to go with me. I already talked to my parents about it last night. It was a tough fight but in the end I won and I can go. Going to the club is not a typical thing that I do every other weekend. I've only been to a club one time & I absolutely loved it. The strobe lights, the beautiful people, the music, & of course the freedom. I'll check in with Sal later after I get myself together today to celebrate Independence Day with my family. Then after that, the thrill begins~

Sal's POV, 3pm, Sal's House

~I really wanna go to the club tonight with Norry & that's exactly what I'm going to do. I think its about time for me to go out & have some fun. I'm 19 years old now, I'm of age, & I'll be perfectly fine~

Sal: *takes a breath & lets it out & then goes downstairs to the living room & finds both of her parents in the kitchen cooking some meal. She stands in the walkway to the kitchen* Hey, can I talk to you guys for a second?

Sal's mom: Sure honey. What's up?

Sal: I wanna tell you guys something.

Sal's dad: Go ahead.

Sal: Well tonight me & Norry are going out to the club to meet Les Twins. I just wanted to let you guys know.

Sal's dad: To the club? You're not going to the club.

Sal's mom: Sal you know you can't go out to places like that.

Sal: Why not? I'm 19 years old. The club is 18 & up.

Sal's dad: Have you lost your mind?

Sal: Um...no? I don't see anything wrong with that.

Sal's dad: Sal no. The answer is no.

Sal: But I didn't ask. I stated.

Sal mom: We don't care. You can't go. Norry shouldn't be going either.

Sal: She wants me to go with her & I want to go too. Plus, if I don't go, she'll be going alone.

Sal mom: Then she shouldn't go at all.

Sal: Trust me mom, she'll still go if I weren't able to go. She loves them.

Sal's dad: All I know is that you're not going.

Sal: *stares at them in total irritation & walks away & goes back upstairs to her room. She calls Norry*

Phone Convo

Norry: Hey Sal, you ask your parents yet? Can you go?

Sal: They said no.

Norry: No?! No! Sal you have to come with me!!

Sal: Oh I'm coming most definitely.

Norry: Wait, you are?

Sal: Hell yeah I am. I'm just gonna leave the house when everyone's settled into their rooms & ready for bed.

Norry: Oh my God you're for real! Well right on Sal! *laughs* This is completely out of character for you!

Sal: Well I'm just tired of it. I'm just going out to the club for one night with my best friend. They'll live. *laughs*

Norry: & this is why I love you!

Sal: Ha! I love you too! & we're both gonna have a great time tonight.

Norry: Amen to that! I'm so super excited! I'll finally be able to see Les Twins in person & not just behind a tv screen, or laptop screen, or through my phone.

Sal: Exactly. I'm super excited too!

Norry: Alright! Well I can't wait to see you tonight!

Sal: Be at your house at 10?

Norry: Yup! Perfect! They're suppose to arrive at 11 & we'll have enough time to park & wait in line.

Sal: Alright I'll call you when I arrive at your place.

Norry: Alright talk to you later.

Sal: Bye!

Phone Convo Ends

~Soulmate Connection~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon