~Part 61~

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Writer's Note: Listen to "Blue Ocean Floor" by Justin Timberlake while reading this part. None of the YouTube videos would allow me to upload the audio.

Sunday, July 13th, 2014, 9:30am, Paris Time, The Loft, Laurent's Room

Laurent's Dream

~Norry & I are going on another night walk through the park downtown.We walk under the citylights in the park hand-in-hand. Her aura so strong next to me, radiating into my whole being. We're headed towards the central fountain. I glance down at her face, her expression pleasant & lovely. She returns a glance up at me & she smiles so beautifully. She takes my breath away as I take in her addictive aura. My breathing obviously growing heavy. The energy in my body feeling stronger than ever before. Ever since I met her, my whole body has been feeling stronger yet lighter than ever. We approach the beautiful big marble fountain & we take a seat on the edge of it, our hands still connected. I need to be touching her in some shape, way, or form. We just sit staring at the water, falling from the top of the fountain to the bottom of its well. The bright blue, white, & red lights representing the flag of France lighting the water as it falls. After a few more moments, she turns to me & says my name~

Norry: Laurent....*her voice soft & lingering*

Laurent: *watches her carefully, his eyes staring deep into hers* Yes my love?

Norry: *looks down for a moment with a sorrowful look on her face & then looks back up at him* .....Baby I have to leave....

~As soon as her words hit me, I become overwhelmed with my emotions~

Laurent: No..no..*shaking his head at her, his grip on her hand getting tighter*

Norry: *sorrow in her eyes as she stares at him* I'm sorry baby but I have to....

Laurent: *grabs her forearms & intensely looks in her eyes* No!.....Please don't leave me bébé...I don't know what I'm going to do without you...

Norry: *intensely looks back at him* Lau...but I must....*gets up & caresses his face, & smiles lightly* You'll be fine until I come back.

Laurent: *stands up facing her, his hand now gripped around her wrists* Bébé you don't understand! I am nothing without you! I need you!

~As I attempt to reach out & embrace her, she disappears out in thin air leaving me alone in the darkness of the night. Empty.~

The Dream Ends

~I abruptly wake up out of my dream, jolting up in my bed. My heart beating fast, my breathing irregular. I look over next to me & she's not here. My eyes wander around my room.....no sign of her....Once again, empty. Half of me is gone....The fact that I am completely enthralled & addicted to this girl is crazy. & the feelings are so strong that they actually scare me yet excite me at the same time....My hands sweaty & shaking a bit as I think of her warmth & how its not around me anymore. I look to the nightstand & grab my phone to check the time & it's 9:45am. Today Larry & I are headed to New York for a workshop held later on today. I'm excited because we get to see our boy Roy again & hang out with him as well as see our fans up at Alvin Ailey. It should be a good time, but without my baby with me, it'll be harder for me to concentrate. I drag myself out of the bed, gathering my things for the shower. The semi-hot water soothing my body & my muscles. I close my eyes standing under the falling water & my imagination takes over me. Suddenly I feel her presence behind me. Her arms wrapped around my lower back & waist. I start to breathe faster & heavier, the water pouring down my face. Her soft lips kissing the middle of my back & a moan escapes from mouth. I snap out of my fantasy exhaling air from my mouth shaking my head. I can't believe I just moaned out loud from something that wasn't even real...~

4pm, Norry's POV

~I make it back home from getting my hair braided at the hair salon. I sit down on my bed & go through all the missed calls from Larr & Lau. I begin to feel warmth inside as I think about them & how it feels to be around them. So magical...they're so magical, unreal even. Their auras are so strong & overwhelming....they drive me so crazy. They are my drug, my addiction....& I'll never be able to get over them. As I dial Laurent's number, I begin to shake & I start to feel a little cold. My breathing speeding up a bit as I hear him pick up~

Phone Convo

Laurent: Norry my love! *his voice full of love*

Norry: Lau baby! I miss you too much already...

Laurent: Same bébé. I never wanted you to leave from the beginning. I can't get you out my head girl..

Norry: I love you baby..

Laurent: I love you more.

Norry: *sighs sadly* I feel so empty without you with me.

Laurent: You're not the only one babe, I feel the same. I need you, always. It's hard to concentrate on working without you.

Norry: I'm sorry baby. Lau, but please try your best to concentrate. You have to be at your best for the fans. Right love?

Laurent: ...Yes you're right darling.

Norry: & don't worry about me either baby. I'll be fine.

Laurent: *chuckles* I'm sorry but that's impossible for me & you know this. I always have to think about you & worry about you. I can't help it. But don't worry bébé, I know what you mean...

Norry: *chuckles* Good enough I guess...

Laurent: Mmm your voice...

Norry: .....*bites her lip* Lau don't start this.

Laurent: *chuckles softly* It's the trutthhh! But anyways, I got you later tonight bébé.

Norry: What do you mean?

Laurent: I know you've been craving me bébé....

Norry: *warmth spreads all throughout her body & her palms become sweaty* Yes.....

Laurent: I know bébé...We gonna cum together tonight bébé. I can't wait to hear your sweet moans reacting from the sound of my voice & words....Shit...

Norry: *slowly lays down on her bed, her hand & fingers in her hair, biting her lip* Fuck....Lau you're gonna kill me...

Laurent: Hmph *he smirks* You know I love it when I make you lose your mind.

Norry: *her eyes closed as she exhales air out*

Laurent: *chuckles softly* I gotta go now bébé. I have to get ready for the workshop. I'll be calling you later tonight. Make sure you answer bébé. J'taime.

Norry: Okay my baby, I love you too.

Laurent: Bye bébé.

Norry: Bye bye.

Phone Convo Ends

~After I pull myself together, I realize that there's no way I'll be able to call ️Larry without my body getting worked up just as it did just now with Lau. So I decide to just try to call him tomorrow~

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