~Part 24~

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2am Paris Time, Les Twins' Loft

Laurent's POV

~I wonder why Norry never called me back or asked to talk to me again. The only reason why I'm still up is because I was waiting & hoping that she would ask to talk to me or call me back. Well......maybe she just got tired. Larry probably talked her ear off with his hyper ass. I hope he had fun because tomorrow it's gonna be all me with her. I don't care what Larry says. He always tricks me into doing what he says. But I love him so much so I know I can never resist...ugh....&..I keep forgetting that Norry & I are not officially together yet. Maybe I need to calm it down a little bit before I end up disappointing myself again. I promised myself a year ago that I would learn to slow down with my feelings for a girl. Larry's right. I still have issues with that but Norry just feels a lot different from all the other girls. I'm gonna take it slow with her because she's very special to me & I don't wanna mess anything up. I want her &....I need her & I'm not gonna let my possible foolishness mess up my chances with her. If she chooses Larry, I will completely respect that because I respect her & I just want her to be happy & I know my brother would make her very happy. I hope that she will be mine though, because I really do need her. I'm so lonely & I'm tired of all these so called "bad bitches" coming at me. I need someone real, someone who will really love me no matter what. Unconditionally. That's all I want. Maybe Norry will be the girl to give me just that~

~He drifts off to sleep on his bed, under his covers with Norry being the last thing on his mind before he falls asleep~

Norry's POV

11pm Eastern Time Zone, Norry's House

~I avoided calling or even texting Laurent back in fear that I'll give myself away. In fear that my guilt caused by Larry's "phone call" would make it obvious to him that something's wrong or that something's bothering me. & unfortunately, I'm terrible at lying. I'm good at covering up stuff, but actual lying? No, not my thing. I've never been good at it. Lying & people who lie is my pet peeve. So just to avoid me having to lie to him or cover up my true feelings, I decided to avoid talking to him. But I know that there's a possibility that tomorrow he will ask me why I never hit him back. Just the thought of that scares me~

~Goes to bed a bit earlier than the usual & tries to get some sleep without her worries hindering her~

Laurent's POV

July 7th, 2014, 10am Paris Time, Les Twins' Loft

~Hears slightly audible knocks banging on what sounds like a door & a voice calling for someone. I think I'm still dreaming but then I feel something tapping my side & then I automatically wake up out of my sleep. Apparently it was Larry just trying to get me to wake up~

Larry: Aye, you awake now bro??

Laurent: *squints his eyes* Yeah but not really. Why you wake me up??? *irritated voice*

Larry: So you could come to the grocery store with me.

Laurent: Uugghh! What time is it??

Larry: *pulls out his phone & looks at the time* It's 10:05am.

Laurent: Why we going so early??

Larry: To avoid too many people! Now get up, take a shower, get dressed, & let's go Lau! *pulls the covers off of him*

Laurent: Stoooppppp! *grumpy voice*

Larry: Lau, stop being grumpy & get up so we can go. I already know it's gonna take you FOREVER to get dressed & ready.....

Laurent: *sighs heavily* Can you at least give me some space man? I just woke up!

Larry: Alright but you better not go back to sleep Lau..I'm coming back in five minutes. Be out this bed by the time I come back.

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