Arisugawa Homare

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Arisugawa Homare (有栖川誉) is a member of the Winter Troupe and a passionate poet. He is always searching for new and interesting forms of art and quickly joined the Mankai Company for the artistic value of acting that inspired his poetic heart. Homare is often seen as a strange fellow for his sudden outbursts of poetry most people do not understand.

Homare is an adult man in his twenties with red eyes. His hair has a dark magenta color and is cut in different length. Homare also is a man with a classy yet unique style and prefers to wear suits and ties rather than casual and modern clothes. Usually he wears a black and white patterned tweed shirt with a black tie and a mustard yellow waistcoat. In combination with a pair of dark blue jeans, brown leather shoes and socks in the same mustard yellow color. He wears a grey coat on top to finish his look.


Eccentric is the word that comes to mind in regards to Homare. Often his behavior would be considered strange, as he likes to recite the weirdest poems in a passionate fashion whenever he gets inspired. His aesthetic sense is definitely not an ordinary one. However, even though his passion for art can be so extreme, it becomes almost embarrassing to witness. He is good at taking care of those around him as shown when Homare often makes sure Hisoka doesn't catch a cold while he suddenly falls asleep. Having an unusual personalty himself ,he is very open to others and doesn't judge other peoples quirks as negative.

Arisugawa Homare was a surprisingly successful poet before and after he became and actor for the Mankai Company. He joined the ensemble after he watched a street performance by the Winter Troupe and got invited to participate by Tachibana Izumi.

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