Sakuma Sakuya

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Sakuma Sakuya (佐久間咲也) is the leader of the and the very first member of the brand new , Sakuya has loved acting since he was a child. Though he still severely lacks experience and skill, he is a hard-worker who puts his all into practice and training. Due to somewhat complicated family issues, he decided to audition when he heard that the theatre came with dorms.

Appearance Sakuya has the appearance of a young High school boy. He has dark pink hair and bright pink eyes. He dresses rather casually in dark blue jeans, a grey hoodie with "Spring" written on it and a pink shirt underneath. Fitting his overall color scheme, he wears pink sneakers with light blue shoelaces. Sakuya has no real interest in the latest fashion trends and does not have much money he could spend on clothes. That is why he enjoys buying second-hand clothing.Personality

Sakuya is a young, cheerful and enthusiastic guy with a friendly attitude. He is very open and bright and is an overall kind person who has a passion for acting, even as a rookie. Sakuya is a hard-worker, who gives his all for the MANKAI Company. With his positive outlook, he believes, together they come overcome the troubles the MANKAI Company faces.


After losing his parents at a young age, Sakuya was taken in by his relatives. However, his new guardians did not seem to care much about him, as they were only interested in the potential costs of Sakuyas involvement with the MANKAI Company. Sakuya himself seemed to know that he didn't have a place at home and would often spend his nights at his with friends' houses. Once he heard the MANKAI Company had dorms for the actors to live in, he decided to take the audition to follow his dream and become a little bit more independent.  

Normal Home Screen Quotes "Yawn~ Ah... G- good morning!""Show must go on!""Ohh! You startled me...""Haha, that tickles a bit""I want to be on the stage soon...""Yes! What is it?""Can I... Director, can I also...touch you?""Director! Please let's practice!""Because we're all together, I don't feel lonely at night anymore.""Is, is this for acting practice...?"Special Home Screen Quotes ", happy birthday! Next time you go running, please invite me along!""Happy birthday! Whenever I'm together with , I feel like I'm getting a bit smarter""This chocolate is hand-made by !? I'm very happy!" Valentine's Day Dialogue"This is the return gift for before! I'll be really happy if you would accept it" White Day Dialogue"Putting in my daily expression of gratitude... Director, happy birthday!""I'm a year older again! I'll work waaay harder from now on!"" received a lot of presents from his fans in school!"" for always helping, I want to thank you for it!""Di-director! is speaking really fluent Japanese...!" April Fool's Dialogue"As a Gacha pinch hitter, I will try my best for !""A Helmet? Is it okay if I wear it?" Children's Day Dialogue" told me he wanted a carriage for his birthday, how can I get one of those?"", happy birthday! I'll work hard to look for more triangles, so please wait for me!"Practice Quotes "Have I gotten a bit better?""I kinda feel like I've grasped it now!""I've got to use more of my whole body...""I wonder if I'll be able to do my English right tomorrow...""Alright! I'll practice hard!"" next standing position is...""Ahm! May I ask a question?""Practice only! Right!""Tonight's leader's meeting starts at 9pm!""I'm truly happy that I can act with everyone every day!""Masumi-kun doesn't seem to be a morning person, so we were almost late today...""I wanted an older brother like Tsuzuru-kun.""Itaru-san looks cool, even when he's gaming!""Citron-san talks to me about his adventures every day before we sleep!"Trivia Sakuya is the only actor who joined MANKAI before Izumi got in charge. was his second stage play. He previously acted in an unnamed play alongside .Both times his character role was named Romeo.In "" Sakuya played the Cheshire Cat.To him, MANKAI Company is "A place where he belongs".Sakuya goes to the same school as and Banri, Hanasaki Academy.Masumi and Sakuya sometimes eat lunch in school together. However, it is often pretty noisy, due to Masumi's female fans.Sakuya is really good at remembering people's faces and names.

Sakuyas Doodle

With his fellow troupe leaders, he sang as A3ders! the game's main theme song .Sakuya was also featured on the , on that he sang his character song; Akai Kami no Cherry Blossom.He shares a room with .Sakuya has no one whom he considers to be a rival but he does admire and Tasuku for their acting abilities. calls him "100% Genki" and gave him the nickname "Sakusaku".Sakuya dislikes celery but loves to eat .He would love to play a ruthless villain in future productions because such a role is really different from his own image.Sakuya's personal treasure is the Romeo & Julius script. Even though it's worn out, he still likes to carry it around just so he can look at it whenever he feels lonely.

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