Rurikawa Yuki

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Rurikawa Yuki (瑠璃川幸) participates in the as a costume specialist and actor. He may look feminine, but that is only because he wears any cute clothes he likes. On the inside, he is fully male. However, his personality is rather frank and brazen, and he often goes off at his seniors. The gap between his personality and his looks are steep. After he did the costumes for the , decided to invite him to the summer audition. Soon following, Yuki became a part of the ensemble. 


The appearance Yuki has is one of a cute girl, due to his girlish face and delicate body. Nevertheless, he is a fourteen-year-old boy who just happens to like cute clothes, which he often wears and designs himself. Yuki has orange eyes and green hair, styled in a modern bob cut. He wears a white frill blouse together with a rose colored skirt and suitable beret. To round everything up, a pair of classic brown ankle boots, grey socks, and a brown bear shaped bag. His personal look is a very feminine one, but he can also be seen wearing male clothes, like his school uniform. 


Yuki is a person with a sharp tongue, and he is not afraid to speak his mind, but he is not essentially mean-spirited. He has little respect for those older than him and doesn't mind getting into an argument if he deems it necessary. This is a character trait Yuki got after people often commented negatively about his preference in looks and taste. To defend himself, he became someone who would stand up against such bullying. However, he would never mock someone for something they like or their ability and is actually a very tolerant and headstrong person who supports his comrades even in dire times. He also takes great pride in his sewing and designing skills.


Yuki's past is a short one, as far as we know. He grew up in a normal household with parents that gave him freedom and followed the principle that a kid has to make their own experience. Because of this, they never really restricted the way he wanted to express himself. Even so, during the phone call Izumi had with his mother, it was revealed that she wanted to get Yuki a bit on track by getting his sometimes brazen behavior out of him, which surprised the director. Yuki originally just joined the Mankai Company to learn about how the costumes he made functioned on stage and in use. He later found out that he was more interested in acting than he initially thought.

Normal Home Screen Quotes "I have confidence in my costume this time so look forward to it.""Don't touch me all over, you pervert.""What are you making such a boring-looking face for. Huh... it can't be helped so I'll pay attention to you."" is fast to make a mess of the room. He is really good for nothing.""Hey... you're annoying you know.""You're saying this outfit is cute? Fu, I'm wearing it so of course it is.""Huh... what is it?""A person from planet curry would only eat curry.""What should I do for the next costume... I'll combine that and that, put on this jewel..."Special Home Screen Quotes "The birthday poem is well-executed though...""It's birthday. Congratulations. Shall we go watching Kabuki together again soon?""Congratulations . I won't forgive you if you dilute today. Full energy concentration recovery.""It's birthday...? Director, don't you have to hide in a shelter?""Valentine? Ah, thank you... I-I'm not happy or anything okay!" Valentine's Day Dialogue"Here, a return gift for before. I won't let you say you don't need this." White Day Dialogue"Happy birthday. Today, I'll forgive you even if it's curry for the whole day.""What should I do... I think I might have fallen in love... ... Just kidding. You didn't actually believe me, did you?" April Fool's Dialogue" birthday... He wants a nickname change as his birthday present? Rejected."" birthday... Avatars are a like a dress up game, they do feel a little bit like that, don't they."Practice Quotes "Let's not laze around practice is starting.""With these movements, having lighter material in the costume design would be...""How was my line just then?""It's hard to get into character...""I'm thinking about a lot of things right now, so don't look.""*pant*...*pant*...I'm taking a short break.""Your clothes today...aren't too shabby.""Soon I've got to assemble the materials for the costumes.""The wan wan combi is loud as ever today.""Not even death could cure Tenma's pompousness.""Muku honestly has some unreliable parts to him, but...I think he's fine like that.""Misumi's weird even when it comes to acting.""Kazunari's irritating, but he has good design sense.""Okay, that's all. There's also room to improve the costumes."Trivia Yuki has the habit of giving people nicknames. These often turn out to be not so flattering.He shares a room with Tenma, the person he quarrels with the most. calls him "Yukki".He likes to eat but hates the taste of Wasabi.In Yuki played the 2nd lead character "Scheherazade".In he got the leading role of the gluttonous American shorthair cat "Shiro".The little doodle he drew in the notebook is the same bear he also has as a bag.

Yuki's doodle.

Yuki and go to the same school St. Flora Middle School and are in the same class.Yuki was featured on the Mini Album , where he sang his character song; MINORITY.He enjoys watching .Along with , Kazunari, and , Yuki is one of the few people who do additional work for Mankai.In his case; it's designing and sewing all costumes.Sewing is also his specialty.

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