Expecting the Unexpected

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Trust is just like a crumbled paper, once it is crumbled it can't be regained once again like the original one. When somebody's trust is broken, it actually becomes very difficult for them to trust someone again. The reason behind it? Because they are afraid that they would be once again betrayed. They start to feel like they are never going to find that one person who could keep their trust, who could make them believe in trusting others once again. People say it hurts when someone breaks your trust. It is true, there's no denial. But do you know what hurts even more? When your expectation are not fulfilled. It hurts way more badly when somebody doesn't fulfill your expectation. But what is actually the person's mistake when he expects something from his dear one? He doesn't expect anything big. He just expects that his dear one gives him priority, that they give him love and respect. He expects that somebody would do at least something special for him. But he actually doesn't get that.
All that he gets is ignorance.

But we still need to move on in life. Although we are hurt by what we have gone through in the past, we should move on because no one can change what has been done. We shouldn't think about our past and cry for no reason, rather we should focus on what's beyond that; our future. If one person broke your trust its not necessary that everybody will break your trust. Everyone is different.

We shouldn't expect too much from someone in life just because they are loyal or are our loved or dear one. We should trust people in life but should never trust people blindly. People don't remain the same forever, they do change; because of some or the other reason people change in life. So we can't expect a person to be the same forever. If a person is different from others, if a person is rude or arrogant, there is a reason behind it. Nothing happens without any reason in life. Every person has a motive in his/her life because of which that person lives even though that person is sick and tired of everything. We just have to see that reason. If we are expecting something from someone, we should also except the reason due to which they couldn't fulfill those expectation of ours.
That's how everything works in life.

~❤Vishakha ❤

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