Ace of Spades II

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"Uuuwaaoooo!" A little baby aboard a certain pirate ship was happily grinning and playing with a toy as he was being held by his mother. The baby, named after his father by suggestion of his mother, was Portgas D. Spade. He looked so much like his father too. Even got his cute freckles.

"Is he going to be trouble like his dad?" Marco asked. Since Spade was still considered a baby, even at just 1 year old, and the world believes his father is currently dead, the family of three had been in the room previously used by Ace and Melody before the whole war.

"Hey! I'm not trouble!" The father of the baby, Ace, whined in the corner.

"Ace, we've been over this. You and Luffy both have a talent for trouble." Melody held onto their son and hugged him. "Well aren't you just the cutest little thing? Yes you are~ Yes you are~!"

"Yea....Melody, didn't you need to get some baby stuff? We're docking the ship soon. If you are, I'll just see you up there-yoi." Marco said as he left the room.

"Oh crap that's right! Ace, I need you to watch the baby while I'm gone. I'll only be a couple hours. Three at most." Melody takes a whiff, catching the scent of stink. "And it looks like he needs a bath too. You know how to bathe him right?"

"Of course I do, babe! You showed me!" He gets up and walks over to her, giving her a sweet kiss and taking Spade into his arms. "I'll be fine. You go and get supplies. I love you, Mel." He kissed her again.

"Ok. I love you too, Ace. And mommy loves you too sweetie~" Melody kisses their son on the forehead. "Take care~!" Melody leaves the room, leaving Ace all alone with his son.

"Guess it's just you and me now huh, little guy?"

"Bwah!" The baby smiled and grabbed onto his father's finger.

"Heh. How about we get you clean now?" Ace made his way to the private bathroom, and drew the bath. Once the bathwater was ready, he undressed the baby and gently put him in the water. When he set him down in the very shallow water, he grabbed the bottle of baby wash that Melody said to use. Spade started to giggle as he splashed the water around him. "Like baths huh, kiddo?" He smiled at his son.

"Gwahh~!" Spade giggled, making his father smile.

"Alright alright. Let's get you clean." Ace gently washed his son just like his lover had showed him. "There. All clean." He then gently dried off the baby, wrapping him in a small towel. After putting a clean pair of clothes on him, Ace set him on the floor with the little toys that were given to Melody for the baby's birth. The child crawled over to his toys, and started to play. Ace sat down near him, watching to make sure everything is okay. "I love you, son." He sat the baby up in his lap, holding him as the baby played with his toy. Awhile later, the baby started to yawn.

"Getting tired, kiddo? I gotcha." Ace picked up the child and held him in his arms, cradling him. "You know, I never thought I'd ever be a dad....But now that I am, I want to make sure I'm around for you. I love you, Spade." He places a kiss on the baby's forehead. He smiles again, before starting to sing.

"The shadows of the clouds flow on by,


Over the green meadows.

The landscape we saw when we were kids,

I remember it now.


Spade yawns again, beginning to close his eyes.

"You have to journey the sky to its limits.

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