Melody's Birthday

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The day was a calm morning, Ace woke up before Melody. He looked down at her sleeping face, which was currently snuggled into his side, and smiled. And then he remembered what today was. He had it all planned out. Breakfast in bed, fun in the sun, a little adventure, and to top it off, a beautiful dinner and a private celebration in their bed. His thoughts were interrupted when he felt her shift, turning around and taking the blankets with her, and leaving him with nothing.

'She's gonna be the death of me.....' he thought as he got out of bed to find his clothes that were scattered around the room from last night. He smiled at the thought. 'Well, better get her breakfast before she wakes up.' And so, he left the room.

Melody woke up to the bright light of the sun through the window of the shared room between her and Ace. She looked on the other side of the bed, only to find that her lover had already got up and gone to breakfast. Sighing, she figured she'd just meet him in the galley. Upon getting up, she winced in pain, then remembering what happened, seeing her clothes still scattered across the floor.

Then she heard the door open, to see Ace standing there with a tray of her favorite breakfast foods and a surprised look on his face.

"I thought you were still sleeping...." He sets the tray on a small nightstand next to the bed.

"I was, but then the sunlight woke me up. And....Is that what I think it is?"

"It was supposed to be a surprise, but oh well." He sets her down in bed so she's sitting up. "Happy birthday, Melody." And then sets the tray down after giving her a sweet kiss.

"Oh goof... you didn't need to...." Her silver eyes bore into his before she kissed him. After breaking the kiss for air, Melody goes ahead to eat the delicious food that was delivered to her by Ace. Once she finished, she tried getting up, but the aftermath of the previous night prevented that. Ace chuckled in amusement. "You ass.....this is your fault..."

"Haha sorry, Mel. But at the time you weren't complaining~" He helps her up. "How about I just carry you around all day then?"

"Fineee...." The girl complied with his request, and enjoyed what he had in store for her on her special day.

The day was going great, as the Moby Dick was docked at a spring island. Melody got excited at the thought. Spring was her favorite season. Naturally, she wanted to explore the island, so Ace went with her. The two were having fun until Melody spotted marines. That pissed her right off. Long story short, the two destroyed the marines ship and almost killed most of their men, and then had a very relaxing lunch with the rest of the crew.

-time skip to after dinner-

"So Melody, how's your day?" Ace wrapped his arms around her, leaning his head on her shoulder.

"Well, aside from having to kick the asses of several marines, I'd give it a solid 9.5." She turned around and looked into his eyes. " much fun as I had today, there's still something I want."

"Ah. Your present. Here." He takes out a small box from his pocket and hands it to her. Melody's eyes widen in surprise. She opens the small box, and inside is a necklace with the symbol of the ace of spades as the pendant. In the center of the spade is an emerald, her birthstone.

"Ace...Ace it's beautiful... I love it! I love you so much!" She wraps her arms around his neck and smashes her lips to his. Ace in turn happily returns the kiss, his hands wrapping around her body and holding her close. After breaking the kiss for air, Melody breaks the silence. "You know....there's still something missing...."

Ace smirks at her. "I have an idea." He picks her up in his strong arms, and carries her off to their room. As soon as he sets her down, she puts the necklace on the dresser and locks the door. "Hey you didn't need to lock it...." He sees the look in her eyes. She smirks at him. "Melody....what are you-" he's interrupted by a rough kiss. The kiss catches him off guard, and he completely misses his lover pushing him down onto the bed, crawling on top of him and handcuffing him. As soon as she breaks the kiss his eyes go wide.

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