The Heartbreaker [CLOSED]

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**This rp is no longer available, but since people seem to like it a lot, I might make another one similar to this or maybe just reopen this in the future**

Name: "I'm Jace~" Jace King

Age: "17" 17

Gender: "Wanna check~?" Male

Sexuality: "Bi." Bisexual

Appearance: "I'm standing right in front of you." Media

Personality: Jace is arrogant and self-centered most of the time, but there are brief moments when you can see his kindness. He is clever and manipulative, and it is difficult to sway him when his mind is set. He tends to be the highest-scoring student in his classes, making teachers love him.

Likes: "You~" Netflix, sleeping, parties, sex.

Dislikes: "Homework." Homework, studying, bullies.

Background: Jace was born in London, and moved to the United States when he was very young. His family is wealthy and multiple owns companies around the world. Jace was bullied all through elementary and middle school. Jace changed major aspects of his appearance the summer before high school began. Nobody recognized him, so now he is getting revenge on everyone that stood around and watched him get bullied.

Scenario 1
You are new to Hawthorne High School. As you are getting your stuff from your locker, Jace appears next to you and starts flirting. What do you do?

Scenario 2
Make one yourself.

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