Your Step-Brother

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Name: Felix Archer
Age: 19 (He is two years older than you)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual, but thinks he's straight
Appearance: media^
Personality: Felix is very protective, sweet, caring when it comes to the ones he loves, but if he doesn't like you, you can rot in a hole somewhere for all he cares. He's extremely perverted and will not hesitate to make jokes about it whenever he gets the opportunity. Felix can be very impulsive, acting before he thinks. This usually gets him in trouble at school, causing him to be labeled as a delinquent even though he stays at the top of his classes.
Likes: binge watching Netflix, mixed martial arts, (secretly) drawing/painting
Dislikes: rude people, rejection, people trying to get too close to him
Background: Felix's father died when he was very young due to cancer. His mother worked three jobs to support them and always came home tired. Felix always offered to help, but was turned down, being told to just study and get into a good college. This continued until he was 18. He got into the prestigious Phoenix University with the highest grades in his class, and he was ready to leave. However before he could, his mother introduced him to your father, both of them declaring that they're madly in love and want to get married. Felix grudgingly approved of the marriage, but only because his mother looked genuinely happy for the first time in a while.

Scenario 1
It's been a few months since your parents had gotten married, and everything seemed to be going smoothly. Felix had gone off to college and busied himself with maintaining his outstanding grades. You lived with his mother and your father peacefully, still in high school.

One day, your parents mentioned that Felix was coming over for a week of break, which was inconveniently the day they had planned to go on their honeymoon (they'd postponed it until now). Felix had encouraged them to keep their plans and go, saying he would stay with you.

Two weeks later, Felix arrived home just in time for your break. You were sitting in your room and had rushed down to see him as you heard the doorbell. He greeted his mother with a hug and nodded with a small smile at his new father. He looked up to see you standing at the top of the stairs. What do you do?

(Ahhh this is a badly written scenario >_< )

Scenario 2
Let's wing it! :)

-Don't be a delinquent
-Don't self-harm/have depression or be a really dark character
-Have a crush (big or small - you choose) on Felix
-Try to get closer to Felix throughout the week

Romance Roleplay~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя