The Vampire [CLOSED]

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*No longer available*

Name: "You can call me 'Master'~" Draven Vaduva

Age: "I'm older than I look." 1000+ (looks 21-24)

Gender: "What the fuck?" Male

Sexuality: "Vampires do not care about gender." Bisexual

Appearance: "I know mortals have bad eyesight, but seriously? I'm right in front of you." Media

Personality: Draven is egotistical and uncaring. He doesn't care how many people he has to hurt to get his way and can be a child when something doesn't.

Likes: "I'm a vampire. What do you think I like?" Blood, parties, sex

Dislikes: "Werewolves." Werewolves, mortals, people that don't give him what he wants, disobedience

Background: Draven is the crown prince of the vampire race. He was raised to be the perfect king and rule with an iron fist.

Scenario 1
You were walking home in the middle of the night. When you turned into an alley, you saw Draven sucking the blood out of a random woman. You...

Scenario 2
Make one up.

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