Your High School Crush

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Name: "Xavier Woods." Xavier Woods

Age: "We're the same age." 19

Gender: "I- um... I'm a guy." Male

Sexuality: "Why do you want to know...?" Bisexual

Appearance: Media

Personality: Shy, cute, optimistic, will try his best at everything, can make anyone love him

Likes: "Reading..." Cotton candy, Staying home, sleeping in, cuddling, reading romance novels

Dislikes: the dark, being alone, being forgotten

Background: Xavier was raised in an abusive home, and ran away with his brother when he was only 8. The memories still haunt him to this day. His brother died when Xavier was 19, leaving the younger boy with a small fortune for his education. Xavier always got attention in high school without trying, but he tried to avoid everyone and stick to his books. He is now in his first year of college.

Scenario 1
Xavier was your high school crush for all 4 years, but you never said anything to him in fear of rejection. When you walk into your first college class, you see the room is almost completely empty except for Xavier and a few other people. What do you?

Scenario 2
Make one up.

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