The Perverted Roommate [CLOSED]

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*No longer available to rp*

Name: "You don't know your best friend's name?" Dorian Grey

Age: "Old enough to fuck you~" 24

Gender: "I have a dick. Wanna see it~?" Male

Sexuality: "I'm {OC-name}-sexual~" Bisexual

Appearance: Media

Personality: Dorian is very flirty and goofy. He likes to make people laugh and be cheerful. Sometimes his overly-flirty personality drives people away, but he is very loyal and protective of those who stay.

Likes: "Dat ass~" drinking, one-night stands, plump-- um let's just say he likes everything perverted

Dislikes: "You ignoring me~" being ignored, heights, bugs, being abandoned/ditched.

Background: Dorian was raised by a woman that most would call a gold-digger. She was constantly trying to seduce wealthy men. Her habits rubbed off on him, and he tends to flirt with everyone he meets now. He graduated from college 2 years ago, and is currently a bartender in a night club.

Scenario 1
Make one up.

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