
335 13 0

Manhattan, New York

It felt weird someone I had never met before knew me and wanted me to stay. However, I wasn't going to ask a grieving woman what she wanted from me, at least not now. 

Mrs. Petrelli had showed me to a room upstairs after she composed herself, leaving me alone to call her oldest son. 

I was in the bathroom, cleaning my forehead again. My tired dark brown eyes stared at my slight pale reflection as I splashed water in my face, wiping it with a towel. My hair felt sticky and after a moment of disgust for the blood coating it, I put it up on a poytail after wincing a bit in pain. My forehead felt numb as I applied pressure on it and dropped my hands with a soft sigh. 

My eyes filled with tears as flashes of my mom passed through my eyes, glancing at the injure in my head. Sylar had killed my mom the same way. He killed people with abilities, special people and now I realized why he wanted me dead now too. 

My eyes flickered upwards, glancing at the air vent, staring at it for a few  seconds. "I'm not like you, am I, mom?" I murmured. Maybe I was hallucinating, seeing things. Maybe it was the shock. I wasn't special. I wasn't her nor Peter. 


He had saved me and Dr. Suresh and now he was dead. I sniffled as I looked away, shrugging off my school blazer and loosening the tie around my neck. 

A knock came from the door. "Hey" a muffled voice came from outside "You okay?"

I slowly opened the door to see the blonde girl named Claire standing outside the bathroom with a kind and yet awkward expression.

I leaned against the doorframe, licking my lips with a slight nod "Yeah" I answered lowly. "I guess so" 

Claire sighed, her eyes flickering up to my forehead in concern "Eh, how's your forehead? It looks painful"

I rubbed my neck, "It looks more painful than what it actually hurts" I replied bluntly. "I-it, it actually is numb. I don't feel pain or the injure. Gotta be good, right?"

Claire shrugged, shaking her head. "I don't know. I just wanted to see if you were okay. And if you wanted maybe a change of clothes? That's your school uniform, right? It doesn't look good anymore"

I looked down flustered "Yeah. I was heading to school before..." I chocked slightly, stopping myself, taking a deep breath, "Oh, well. It doesn't matter now"

"I think we're from the same size" Claire offered, giving me a smile "Come"

I immediately sighed in relief, feeling thankful.

Claire kindly gave me a change of clothes that I absolutely loved.

I was examining the light gray long sleeve shirt when Mrs. Petrelli entered the room, glancing between the two of us with slight uncertainty before seeing our relaxed stances with each other.

"Ms Sinclair" Mrs Petrelli addressed me politely, all trace of tears were gone but there was still a dull and prominent sadness on her eyes "If you want, the bathroom is at your disposal" 

She didn't give me a chance to thank her before she walked away.

Claire cleared her throat awkwardly "Intense"

I didn't take my eyes of the door, bitting my lip "You have no idea"

"What do you think she's so cautious around you?" Claire questioned suddenly, "I know why with me as I'm her son's Nathan's long lost daughter or something-" She stopped herself, seeing my wide eyed expression. "Oh, God! No one is suposse to know that. Oh, crap. You didn't hear that, please"

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