Chapter 26

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I felt the comfort of my sheets being thrown of me as I was awaken by the loud sound of my mother "Wake up!" She yelled making me groan as she proceeded to open my curtain forcing me to shove my head in to my pillow wanting nothing more but 10 minutes more sleep.

Make that 10 hours.

"If you don't get up now you'll complain you don't have enough time to get ready and cry" She exaggerated as usual even though she had a point.

After a while of her bugging me and pulling me out of bed, I took my zombie self and proceeded to go to my bathroom where I showered, brushed my teeth, moisturised my face with my very many lotions and products, straightened my hair before doing my makeup.

As I raided through my closet, my phone began ringing and I already knew it was Sally who was giving me a ride to school just because we wanted to go to the mall after school and so I thought it'd be convenient for one of us to take our cars and so she offered to drive because she was apparently terrified of my driving for some odd reason.

The call ended with her being annoyed that I wasn't changed yet which I found funny because it was hilarious whenever she was annoyed because she sounded so funny.

To make sure she wasn't anymore annoyed, I pulled on a pair of black leggings along with a baby pink halter crop top. I pulled on my white converse before grabbing my books and phone before leaving my room.

"I'm leaving now! I'll see you later!" I called out as I ran to the front door seeing my mom come out from the kitchen "But don't you want breakfast-" "I don't have time, I'll eat later, bye love you" and with that I ran out the door seeing Sally'...

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"I'm leaving now! I'll see you later!" I called out as I ran to the front door seeing my mom come out from the kitchen "But don't you want breakfast-" "I don't have time, I'll eat later, bye love you" and with that I ran out the door seeing Sally's car outside my gates waiting.

I fast walked down the drive way before opening the gate.

I saw her shaking her head at me through her window making me laugh before getting in "Before you kill me I'm sorry for making you wait but literally I was ready it was my mom who held me up" I lied.

"Such a liar, now shut up" she answered making me laugh as she drove away.

Once we got to school, she parked her car and we got out. "Okay so I kinda just need to make sure he's in the same place as her and literally walk right in to each other I swear it's the best plan ever" Sally explained, currently we were all trying to get Aria to magically come in contact with her crush and also the cutest guy ever who is basically all about her and it's so cute because it's clear they like each other but they're both too shy to admit it and so it was our job to make things happen. It was perfect.

"Okay but what if they don't even speak to each other?" I asked as I looked ahead of me at the students going in and out of school.

"It'll work! Don't be so negative!" She exclaimed making me laugh shaking my head "Okay!" I answered agreeing.

"Why is Khalil coming up to us" She suddenly said making me look up and in front of us to see that khalil was now approaching us, his group of friends stood by his car just watching.

"Hello ladies" he smiled, being his usual bright flirty self.

"Hi" we both said in unison.

"So Ryan told me to tell you that he isn't going to be in school until later and something about not being able to work on the project at school because he's coming in hella late" He told me,

"Um... do you know when he'll be in?" I asked and he shrugged "probably around 1, not sure. When he gets here he'll probably speak to you but he said t was important you knew for now, some shit like that" he answered making me nod "Yeah because we were supposed to meet in the library to work on it but I guess not" I replied, mostly talking to myself.

"Well um, thanks for telling me, when you see him can you ask him to come and find me?" It was so weird for me to have a normal conversation with khalil or anyone in their group just because everything started in such a awkward way mostly because of Jason just being a psycho.

He nodded "sure will, see you around" he answered before nodding at us before turning around and going back to his friends who by the way were all still look. 

Jason stood still, his eyes diverting to me and we had this strange eye contact which lasted a couple seconds before I was dragged away by Sally.

"What are you going to do now? I swear you're getting more and more involved in them every day, it's scary how they always find a way to be by your side again" She mentioned making me nod, it was true. Somehow Jason found his way back by my side, not literally but he was always there and somehow I was involved with them, and not by choice either.

"Do you think it would be a good idea to work on this project at my house?" I asked and she instantly shook her head "One of those boys in your house? Not a good idea." She answered making me nod "But Ryan... he's the least dangerous one as I would say. He's literally harmless but he's still a part of them" she added making me sigh

"Why am I always in the worst situations" I complained as we carried on walking

"'Maybe it's just fate. You're destined to be somehow involved in them" she joked, but why did it sound so true.

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