Chapter 42

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'The Talk'

Sally stared at me wide eyed, mouth open and eyebrows raised signifying her true emotion of being in shock. Well at least she hadn't hit me yet.

Spoke too soon.

She picked up a pillow and hit me with it "What are you thinking! Are you crazy! Bella! What is wrong with you!" She yelled, her voice cracking from her rage.

"This is why I didn't tell you" I groaned leaning back against my bed and covering my face with my hands.

"That's even more stupid. You weren't even going to tell me? Your best friend? Wow" I knew she was actually mad and I guess she had a reason to be, we told each other everything. We all did, and so once they all find out I hid such a big thing from them, they're bound to react like Sally.

"I was! I swear I was! But I just... I'm afraid to speak about it because I don't know what to say myself! Me and Jason... we're not-" she cut me off "You're not a couple, that's for fucking sure"  She said.

"You're saying it like it's not possible..." I muttered looking down at my hands.

"It's not Bella. He's freaking Jason McCann. First of all, how do you expect a criminal to get along with your police officer father? And plus, Jason doesn't have girlfriends, he never has and probably never will. He enjoys one night flings! Why would you want to be one of those sluts he brings home every other night?" She asked shaking her head.

She had a point.

"I don't... but that's the thing. I don't think I'm just a one night fling." I told her "Oh don't tell me you think 'it's different' now" She rolled her eyes.

"Do you really think this is all just a one second thing for him?" I asked her, hoping it wasn't true because the way he made me feel, the way he treated me? That wasn't the way you acted with someone you had no interest in. But I trusted Sally's words as for one she had known him longer and also, she's my best friend so of course I'd listen to her.

"Guys like him... they like girls who are fucking shaped like a bottle and are going to give them what they want. Jason... what makes you think he's not after you for the same thing he's taken from every other girl in our school?" She asked, I knew Jason had slept with a lot of girls in our school which disgusted me however for the most annoying reason ever, his presence literally forced me to forget all about that.

I sighed, why did I feel like crying. I must be stupid to think Jason cared at all about me as I was no different to every other girl. Perhaps he was doing this to allow me to open up to him and slowly give him what he initially wants. But I failed to believe that was what Jason was doing, but maybe I had to believe that.

"You're right... I'm delusional to think he'd think I was different" I told her shaking my head.

"No. You are fucking different. You're better then all the notches at our school and that's why you got all the boys after you. But you have someone who likes you for you, and isn't after you for sex." I knew she was referring to Austin but Jason had told me he wasn't what everyone thought he was so either way, I wasn't going to win.

"You must have felt something for Jason... which let you end up kissing him?" She asked.

I sighed nodding "I really... really like him. Which is stupid because I don't even know the first thing about him apart from the fact that he's majorly angry and is basically a part of a gang." I paused shaking my head at how easily I let myself fall for him.

"I guess he just made me feel special, somehow." I told her making her nod "This is the complete opposite to what I've heard about Jason, and how he really treats girl." She answered making me look at her, it sounded like she was starting to believe that this was something different.

"Really?" I asked making her nod "I'd still be careful. I'm not about to tell you what you can and can't do but if you really think this is right then just trust your instinct. But be aware. This isn't some usual high school romance. This is Jason McCann"

After about another 2 hours of finally finishing the awkward conversation about my encounters with Jason and then our attempts on studying but it turning in to a jam session of her attempting to twerk, it was now dark out and we were both drained.

"My dads here" she told me looking up from her phone as we stood in my kitchen.

We both walked to the door where I opened it, saying our goodbyes her dad came to the door, asked how my parents were and all that normal stuff before we said goodbye and they left.

I put the remaining slices of pizza- which somehow were left, on a plate before putting it in the fridge for my dad to eat or something before I drank my usual bottle of water before I went upstairs. I always drank a whole bottle of water an hour or so before I knew I was going to sleep because it blessed my skin by clearing it and also drinking water makes me feel like I'm fancy or something so yeet.

Finally, I went back upstairs and took a very quick shower not washing my hair as I had washed it this morning.

To have the best nights sleep, I stuck by this forever and ever, wear cotton booty shorts and a shirt of some sort and I swear you'll have the best nights sleep of your life.

I took my hair out of the top knot I had it in before brushing my teeth and of course moisturising my face with my many products only to make my skin as best as it can be.

It was a good stress relief especially because all I could think about was the situation I was in.

Terrified to face tomorrow knowing Jason would probably attack me for hugging or speaking to Austin.

Because I knew he wasn't about to let that one slide.

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